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Turkish Consulate Official Denies Genocide At Conference On Genocide

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  • Turkish Consulate Official Denies Genocide At Conference On Genocide

    TURKISH CONSULATE OFFICIAL DENIES GENOCIDE AT CONFERENCE ON GENOCIDE DENIAL IN NORWAY consulate-official-denies-genocide-at-conference-o n-genocide-denial-in-norway/
    Jun 5, 2009

    OSLO, Norway (Bianet)-At a panel discussion on the limits of laws on
    Holocaust Denial at the International Freedom of Expression eXchange
    Conference in Oslo, Norway on Friday, a Turkish consulate official
    interrupted a discussion on the denial of the Armenian Genocide,
    claiming that Armenians were brutally murdered and deported from
    their homeland for treason.

    A person describing themselves as an official at the Turkish consulate
    in Norway, objected to the use of the word "genocide" used by speakers
    to describe both what happened to Jews in the Third Reich and what
    happened to Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in 1915.

    "They were not deported because they were Armenians or because
    of their race, but because they collaborated with the enemy," the
    official claimed.

    But thousands of pages of official government archives from the
    United States, Russia, France, Germany, and even Turkey, point to
    the indisputable fact that in 1915 the Ottoman Turkish government
    set out to annihilate the indigenous Armenian population inhabiting
    the lands under its dominion not for collusion, but for being Armenian.

    Between 1915-1923, the government executed a systematic campaign to
    exterminate the Armenian people and remove them from their historic
    homeland. The Armenian Genocide, recognized as the first genocide of
    the 20th century by historians the world over, resulted in the death of
    an estimated 1.5 million Armenians and the loss of millions of dollars
    in property and land now under occupation by the Republic of Turkey.

    But talking about this history is a crime in Turkey. According to
    Turkish publisher Ragip Zarakolu, who spoke at the panel, Articles
    301 and 305 of the Turkish Penal Code prevent people from discussing
    the Armenian genocide. Zarakolu, the owner of Belge Publications,
    has himself been convicted under Article 301 for "denigrating the
    Turkish state or state organs" and for "inciting hatred and hostility."

    Zarakolu said that these "laws encourage denial."

    But the consulate official disagreed, arguing that Article 301 and
    other such laws were designed to "protect the unity of their territory
    and security."