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Medvedev Meets With Armenian, Azeri Leaders For Talks

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  • Medvedev Meets With Armenian, Azeri Leaders For Talks

    MEDVEDEV MEETS WITH ARMENIAN, AZERI LEADERS FOR TALKS meets-with-armenian-azeri-leaders-for-talks-in-st- petersburg/
    Jun 5, 2009

    ST. PETERSBURG (Combined Sources)-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
    brought his Azerbaijani and Armenian counterparts, Ilham Aliyev and
    Serzh Sarkisian, together for talks on Thursday following separate
    meetings with each of them on the sidelines of the International
    Economic Forum in St. Petersburg.

    They dealt principally with the search for a solution to the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Russia, along with the United States
    and France, has been mediating talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    over Karabakh, the subject of a war began by Azerbaijan in the early
    1990s, when the indigenous population of Nagorno-Karabakh declared
    independence from the Soviet Union.

    "We are persistently seeking a way that would allow Nagorno-Karabakh
    to live safely on its traditional land and determine its fate,"
    Sarkisian said ahead of his meeting with Medvedev.

    The Russian President, for his part, described his frequent visits
    with Sarkisian as "useful" in the development of Armenian-Russian
    cooperation. During their private talks, the two leaders also discussed
    the deepening of their economic ties and strategic cooperation within
    the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

    Speaking to reporters ahead of his private talks with Aliyev, Medvedev
    welcomed the Azeri President to St. Petersburg and said the two
    leaders had "many important, high-priority topics to discuss, which
    are of great concern to everyone." He underscored as key agenda items,
    the effects of the global financial crisis, energy security issues
    "so essential" for their countries, and other joint projects.

    Aliyev, for his part, thanked Medvedev for the warm welcome and
    agreed that the two leaders had a "very wide-ranging agenda" with
    "many topics for discussion. The Azeri President also underscored
    that they would be discussing "oil and gas cooperation, which are
    gaining particular relevance and importance today."

    We appreciate the fact that, as you said, our ties are developing in
    many areas, including political and economic cooperation," Aliyev said,
    adding that the "regular and intense" meetings between their countries
    reflect the development of their relations. "I am certain that in
    the future, our cooperation will remain as positive, predictable,
    and amicable as it has always been."

    The three presidents later met together for an informal dinner that
    was followed by an evening boat ride.

    Medvedev's spokeswoman Natalya Timakova said the meetings did not
    result in a breakthrough in the conflict resolution process, but
    noted that the Kremlin believes "the very fact of the meeting of the
    presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia is important."

    "The main thing is that Azerbaijan and Armenia are demonstrating their
    readiness for dialogue," she said. "The very fact of the meeting of
    the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia is important."

    Medvedev, Sarkisian, and Aliyev last met in this format last November
    near Moscow where they signed a nonbinding document that pledged the
    presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan to intensifying their efforts
    in seeking a negotiated peace and a mutually acceptable compromise.

    "After our last meeting we have been working with our Russian
    colleagues toward implementing the agreements reached," Sarkisian was
    quoted as saying ahead of his meeting with Medvedev. "The Armenian
    side has been diligently working with the support of the Minsk Group
    on the settlement of the Karabakh conflict."

    The so called Moscow Declaration also reaffirmed that the parties
    would actively work toward a settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    on the basis of international law and within the framework of the
    OSCE Minsk Group.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress