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Anonymous Foundation Donates $250,000 For Armenian American Wellness

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  • Anonymous Foundation Donates $250,000 For Armenian American Wellness

    By Cynthia Bosnian And Gail Howard s-foundation-donates-250000-for-armenian-american- wellness-center/
    Jun 5, 2009

    WASHINGTON-A California-based Foundation has generously donated
    $250,000 to the Armenian American Cultural Association (AACA) for
    its humanitarian project in Yerevan, Armenia - the Armenian American
    Wellness Center (AAWC or Wellness Center).

    Maria Princi, AACA Board member, said, "AACA Honorary Chair, Donna
    Evans (wife of former US Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans) and I
    were delighted to meet the Trustees of the Foundation and learn of
    their keen interest in supporting the Wellness Center with their
    generous donation. During our meeting, they stressed the value of
    education in any successful endeavor and they were happy to learn
    that the Wellness Center, from day one, has made its core mission
    the education of the public, its staff, and the medical community of
    Armenia. We are grateful to have been brought together by Dr. Mihran
    Agbabian, founder and first President of the American University of
    Armenia, and his wife Elizabeth, long-time friends and supporters of
    the Wellness Center.

    Commenting on their recent visit to the Wellness Center,
    members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees noted, "Despite the
    construction/renovation that was underway, the Center was a very
    beautiful and rewarding site to see. We realized how important it
    is to Armenia, especially to its women. The Center has made great
    strides in educating women about taking care of, and standing up
    for themselves. It has also promoted public awareness in preventive
    healthcare through its educational campaigns."

    The Foundation's gift has been designated for the construction of the
    Center's expanded ground floor (part of the building's multi-million
    dollar renovation/construction and seismic reinforcement), which will
    ultimately house the Center's expanded Radiology Department.

    Elizabeth Agbabian, noted, "Vartkess and Rita Balian had the
    vision and foresight to start a Wellness Center for the women of
    Armenia. Thousands of women have been screened and many lives have
    been saved. We have witnessed this vital service from its inception,
    and are amazed how the Wellness Center is accessible to all women,
    irrespective of their financial capability." Dr. Mihran Aghbabian
    continued, "During many trips to Armenia, I have visited the Wellness
    Center. What started as a noble idea became reality - helping women
    through medical screenings and education. In my view, the uniqueness of
    the Wellness Center in Armenia is due in large part to the availability
    of Western equipment to the medical and technical staff of the Center.

    Additionally, the staff - both medical and administrative - has
    received training on-site in Armenia by American medical professionals
    and in top-notch medical institutions in the U.S.

    The Wellness Center was established by AACA in 1997 to address the
    dire need for the early and accurate detection of breast cancer in
    Armenia which was, and still is, the leading cause of cancer deaths
    among the country's women. In addition to promoting its core mission,
    i.e., early detection through screenings and self-monthly examination
    and educating the public on the importance of preventive health care
    and early detection, the Wellness Center introduced basic gynecology
    services and pathology laboratory services in June 2001, family
    medicine in June 2003, and bone density screening in October 2006.

    During its development stages, with the assistance of the governments
    of the United States (through its USAID assistance programs) and
    the Republic of Armenia (through its donation of the building),
    AACA envisioned the Wellness Center as a Regional Primary Health
    Care facility based on Western standards of medical services, which
    would provide on-site quality diagnosis and treatment (whenever
    possible). These services would be accessible to all Armenians,
    as well as to all other citizens of the neighboring countries. This
    outreach effort would foster understanding and compassion among people
    in conflict, and hopefully would promote renewal and the much-needed
    peace in the Caucasus Region.

    The Wellness Center creates awareness of health issues and promotes
    its screening services through the media, lectures, health fairs,
    distribution of literature, medical outreach missions and annual
    health walks.

    Produced in conjunction with AACA, the Wellness Center distributes
    thousands of health promotion pamphlets each year. These stress the
    importance of early detection for breast and cervical cancer via annual
    screenings and mammograms, monthly Breast Self Examinations (BSEs),
    and annual clinical check-ups. The Center also emphasizes healthy
    lifestyle choices relating to nutrition, exercise, blood pressure,
    cholesterol, diabetes, and anti-smoking through the dissemination of
    this information.

    For the past twelve years, the Wellness Center has observed October as
    Breast Cancer Awareness Month, organizing many cultural, scientific
    and literary events. The highlight of these events is the Annual
    Health Walk through the streets of Yerevan, which has become a day to
    celebrate women's health. The Walk attracts over 3,000 participants
    each year, including more than 500 school children, who join AAWC's
    staff in reminding their mothers to take care of their own health
    as they do for their families. As a result of these activities,
    more and more women, age 40 and over, are visiting the Center for
    their first mammogram and for subsequent annual mammograms. Hence,
    breast cancer in Armenia is being detected and diagnosed in earlier
    stages allowing more possibilities for treatment and cure.

    >>From its inception, AACA has stressed the importance of education. In
    addition to the ongoing health education provided to its patients
    and the general public, the Wellness Center has signed a program
    agreement with Yerevan State Medical University to teach its first
    and second year medical students about breast health in general and
    breast imaging and diagnosis in particular. The Wellness Center also
    has a six-month residency program for the radiology graduates from
    the National Institute of Health of Armenia.

    Since 1997 through September 2009, AACA has sponsored and organized
    47 Medical Exchanges between US medical professionals from seven
    major university hospital centers and the Wellness Center staff,
    providing on-site training in Armenia as well as advanced training
    in US hospitals. Ten Medical Missions have also been conducted
    during this time. Renowned specialists in the fields of radiology,
    cytopathology and family medicine have traveled to Armenia to train the
    Wellness Center physicians and to present lectures in their respective
    disciplines to the staff of other hospitals and medical centers.

    The renovation/construction and seismic reinforcement of the expanded
    Wellness Center has been financed by AACA through its Armenian-American
    grassroots and major donors, individual and/or family foundations,
    and two grants from USAID through its American Schools and Hospital
    Abroad (ASHA) Division. Despite these difficult economic times, AACA
    is grateful for the ongoing assistance of its donors and is hopeful
    that the Armenian American community will continue to support the
    work of this vital project.

    For more information on the Wellness Center and its US sponsor, visit, or e-mail [email protected]. Please make donations
    payable to AACA and mail to: 1300 Crystal Drive, Suite 1504, Arlington,
    VA 22202.