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Obama's Speech: Right where he wants them

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  • Obama's Speech: Right where he wants them

    Foreign Policy
    June 6 2009

    Obama's Speech:
    Right where he wants them

    Fri, 06/05/2009 - 12:37pm

    The only people denouncing President Obama's Cairo speech seem to be
    right-wing nuts at home and Islamic extremists abroad. This is a good
    set of opponents to have.

    Meanwhile, I like Obama's summary this morning in Germany of what he
    is thinking about the Middle East:

    And as the Chancellor mentioned, we discussed my recent trip to the
    Middle East and the need for all of us to redouble our efforts to
    bring about two states, Israel and a Palestinian state, that are
    living side by side in peace and security. I think the moment is now
    for us to act on what we all know to be the truth, which is that each
    side is going to have to make some difficult compromises; we have to
    reject violence.

    The Palestinians have to get serious about creating the security
    environment that is required for Israel to feel confident. Israelis
    are going to have to take some difficult steps. I discussed some of
    those in the speech."

    "Difficult steps and hard compromises" would be a good name for
    Obama's emerging Middle East policy.

    In reference to the denial by Iranian president Ahmadinejad that
    holocaust ever happened, President Obama said in Germany that 'he does
    NOT have patience with people who would deny history'. Here is some
    history that President should know and NOT deny either.

    The political arm of Islam has been waging terroristic holy war on the
    rest of the world for centuries. It has waged this war against
    civilizations that have nothing to do with the West, let alone
    America. This is why the case of Muslim aggression against India
    proves so much.

    Medieval India, before the Muslim invasions, was a richly imaginative
    culture, one of the half-dozen most advanced civilizations of all
    time. Muslim invaders began entering India in the early 8th century,
    on the orders of Hajjaj, the governor of what is now Iraq. In the
    aftermath of the Muslim invasions of India from 8th to 11th centuries,
    in the ancient cities of Varanasi, Mathura, Ujjain, Maheshwar,
    Jwalamukhi, and Dwarka, not one temple survived whole and intact. This
    is the equivalent of an army marching into Paris and Rome, Florence
    and Oxford, and razing their architectural treasures to the ground.

    In his book The Story of Civilization, famous historian Will Durant
    lamented the results of what he termed "probably the bloodiest story
    in history." He called it "a discouraging tale, for its evident moral
    is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order
    and freedom can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading
    from without and multiplying from within. Muslim invaders "broke and
    burned everything beautiful they came across in Hindustan," displaying
    the resentment of the less developed warriors who felt intimidated in
    the encounter with "a more refined culture." The Muslim Sultans built
    mosques at the sites of torn down temples, and many Hindus were sold
    into slavery. As far as they were concerned, Hindus were kafirs,
    heathens, par excellence. They, and to a lesser extent the peaceful
    Buddhists, were, unlike Christians and Jews, not "of the book" but at
    the receiving end of Muhammad's injunction against pagans: "Kill those
    who join other gods wherever you may find them."

    The massacres perpetrated by Muslims in India are unparalleled in
    history. In sheer numbers, they are bigger than the Jewish Holocaust,
    the Soviet Terror, the Japanese massacres of the Chinese during WWII,
    Mao's devastations of the Chinese peasantry, the massacres of the
    Armenians by the Turks, or any of the other famous crimes against
    humanity of the 20th Century. But sadly, they are almost unknown
    outside India. The perpetrators of these massacres were not military
    thugs disobeying the ethical teachings of their religion, as the
    European crusaders in the Holy Land were, but were actually doing
    precisely what their religion taught. As has been well-documented,
    jihad has been preached from the official centers of Islam, not just
    the lunatic fringe. /06/05/right_where_he_wants_them