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Armenian, Russian presidents discuss ties, Karabakh

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  • Armenian, Russian presidents discuss ties, Karabakh

    Public Television of Armenia
    June 5 2009

    Armenian, Russian presidents discuss ties, Karabakh

    [Armenian President] Serzh Sargsyan and [Russian] President Dmitriy
    Medvedev met yesterday evening in the Konstantinovskiy Palace of the
    Russian president. The meeting was held in a warm and constructive
    atmosphere. The sides discussed issues of mutual interest. The Russian
    president attached importance both to bilateral and regional ties. The
    Armenian president introduced results of his meeting with the
    Azerbaijani president in Saint Petersburg to his Russian
    counterpart. The sides spoke about cooperation in the framework of the
    Collective Security Treaty Organization, attaching importance to
    efficient activities of the organization's rapid reaction collective
    force in this context.

    [Medvedev speaking at the meeting in Russian with Armenian translation
    superimposed] Dear Serzh Azatovich, I would like to sincerely welcome
    you in Petersburg. I am happy that you came for both communicating and
    speaking about issues and developing bilateral ties. I hope that you
    will have an opportunity to take part in the forum tomorrow and to
    speak about contemporary issues of international policy, international
    economic life. It is necessary to meet more frequently in order to
    overcome difficulties, and we are doing so. We have met many times
    recently and I believe that this is necessary for the development of
    Armenian-Russian cooperation and personal ties. It helps making
    targeted decisions regarding specific issues.

    [Sargsyan speaking in Russian with Armenian voiceover] Thanks you dear
    Dmitriy Anatolyevich. First of all, I would like to express my
    gratitude for the invitation to take part in the Petersburg economic
    forum. I would like to express my gratitude for providing the
    500m-dollar loan to Armenia. This will help overcome the negative
    consequences of the crisis. We have worked and are working in the
    direction of the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh issue with the
    help of the co-chairs of the [OSCE] Minsk Group. We are trying to find
    ways to allow residents of Nagornyy Karabakh to live securely in their
    homeland allowing them to decide their fate themselves. A regular
    session of the Collective Treaty Security Organization will be held in
    Moscow. We should take more steps to unite efforts, in particular, in
    the cause of establishment of the rapid reaction force.