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CEC dismisses ANC claim to recogniz Yerevan elections illegitimate

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  • CEC dismisses ANC claim to recogniz Yerevan elections illegitimate

    RA CEC dismisses ANC's claim on recognizing Yerevan City Council
    elections as illegitimate
    06.06.2009 19:30 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenia's Central Electoral Committee dismissed the
    claim of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) to recognize as
    illegitimate the elections into Yerevan City Council.
    Garegin Azaryan, head of CEC, making a speech in this connection
    mentioned, that submitted complaints have not been properly
    composed. The documents do not have signatures, in many cases contain
    unaddressed, private and emotional evaluations, which cannot become
    undeniable facts for recognizing the Yerevan City Council's elections
    as illegitimate.
    Simultaneously, he mentioned that CEC does not deny that violations
    took place on May 31, according to him, most of them were eliminated
    immediately in elections day. `This 370-page claim does not make
    ourselves liable to think about possible impact on the results of the
    elections,' Azaryan stressed.
    Head of CEC believes, that by submitting such a multipage package to
    RA CEC, ANC pursued his object to pull the electoral committee into a
    long official circumlocution.
    According to Mr.Azaryan, in order to recognize illegitimacy of the
    elections, consequences of violations should carry irreversible
    nature, and the possibility of precise checking of the expression of
    voters' will should be lost. `ANC, however, has not submitted such
    facts,' Mr. Azaryan said.
    The Central Electoral Committee of Armenia must totalize the outcomes
    of the Yerevan City Council elections by the end of June 7.