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US Aim To Restore Dialogue With Iran

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  • US Aim To Restore Dialogue With Iran


    08.06.2009 11:21 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The State Department said Tuesday U.S. ambassadors
    abroad have been authorized to invite Iranian diplomats to embassy
    events celebrating the July 4 U.S. Independence Day holiday. The
    overture is a break from nearly 30 years of U.S. diplomatic practice.

    Officials here depict the gesture as another step in an effort by
    the Obama administration to restore dialogue with Iran, with which
    the United States has not had formal diplomatic relations since the
    country's Islamic revolution in 1979. State Department Spokesman
    Robert Wood, confirming a report by the New York Times, said the
    State Department late last week cabled U.S. chiefs of mission around
    the world authorizing them to invite Iranian diplomats and other
    officials to traditional July 4 embassy receptions. Wood said the move
    is in keeping with the new administration's stated commitment to seek
    direct contact with Iran, including taking a seat at the table with
    other major powers in talks with the Tehran government on its nuclear
    program: "Our policy is to try to reach out to the Iranian government
    and people. The President and the Secretary [of State] have made very
    clear that this is what we want to do," he said. "And certainly there
    are going to be other opportunities to reach out to Iran. We again
    still wait for Iran to reach back. And what I'm specially referring
    to is Iran informing us of whether they're going to respond positively
    to Javier Solana's invitation to attend the next P5+1 meeting."

    The P5+1-the five permanent U.N. Security Council member countries and
    Germany-have offered Iran incentives to suspend uranium enrichment
    and return to negotiations over its nuclear program, which U.S. and
    European officials believe is at least partly weapons-related.

    The Bush administration had refused to take a direct role in the
    talks unless Iran, which denies nuclear weapons ambitions, first
    halted enrichment. The new administration has said it is prepared to
    be a full participant. Iranians had not been invited to U.S. embassy
    events since the American mission in Tehran was seized by protestors
    in 1979 and some 50 U.S. officials held hostage for more than a
    year. U.S. diplomats have over the years been allowed to interact
    with Iranian counterparts in social situations, though spokesman Wood
    said a long-standing policy barring substantive discussions on such
    occasions remains in effect despite the State Department's July 4
    overture, VOA News reported.