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Eastern Diocese's ACYOA Members Discuss Vocations in The Church

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  • Eastern Diocese's ACYOA Members Discuss Vocations in The Church

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Karine Abalyan
    Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Website: www.armenianchurch.nets

    June 8, 2009



    For members of the Armenian Church Youth Organization of America, Memorial
    Day weekend is marked by a potpourri of activity, ranging from meetings to
    athletic events and spiritual and cultural activities.

    This year's holiday break was no exception, as ACYOA members from across the
    Eastern Diocese gathered at the IBM Dolce Palisades Center in Palisades,
    N.Y., to take part in the organization's 64th annual General Assembly and
    Sports Weekend, from May 21 to 25.

    As part of this year's Diocesan theme of "Vocations: The Call to Serve,"
    young people learned about steps they can take to help strengthen the ranks
    of the priesthood in the Armenian Church.

    A total of 80 delegates and observers - including close to 20 members of the
    clergy - attended the General Assembly, on May 21-22.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
    of America (Eastern), shared with delegates his personal story of entering
    the seminary at the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and encouraged young people to
    think about ways they can serve their church and people.

    "The priests and the pastors among us are one way that God makes his
    presence known to his children," he said. "Time and again, through courage
    and moral conviction, priests made the difference in ensuring the survival
    and advancement of our people."

    The Primate also thanked the ACYOA Central Council and members of the youth
    organization for their continued involvement in the Armenian Church.

    "Our church is blessed by your faithful presence and active embrace,"
    Archbishop Barsamian said. "Tomorrow you are going to take the leadership
    role in our Diocese."

    Also addressing the assembly was the Rev. Fr. Hovnan Demerjian, pastor of
    St. Hagop Armenian Church in St. Petersburg, Fla. Fr. Demerjian spoke about
    the importance of remaining open to God's call and working with others to
    respond to it.

    "Calling is a bit like falling in love," he said, explaining that everyone
    has the potential to "fall in love with God."

    "As Christians, we are called more to a way of life than a job," he added.
    "A way of life which overrides all jobs and relationships, and underpins

    The Rev. Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian, director of vocations at St. Nersess
    Seminary, introduced a group exercise in which delegates discussed how they
    might encourage their friends, relatives, and each other to find their
    vocation, and what steps can be taken to encourage potential seminarians.

    Among the suggestions were proposals to establish a shadow program for young
    men to work with priests across the Eastern Diocese and to increase training
    options for acolytes and deacons at the parishes.

    "I think the breakout session on vocations was extremely effective," said
    Talin Hitik, vice chair of the ACYOA Central Council. "It was interesting to
    hear in those small group sessions what other young men had to say on their
    thoughts about entering the priesthood."

    Six New Chapters This Year

    During the remainder of the meeting, members of the ACYOA Central Council
    delivered an organization-wide report, highlighting the success of
    activities such as the Armenia Service Program, the summer pilgrimage to the
    Holy Land, participation in the international ACYO meeting at the Mother See
    of Holy Etchmiadzin, the blood drives organized at local chapters to
    commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 1988 earthquake in Armenia, and the
    Pan-North American Retreat held in the fall with the Western and Canadian

    Other accomplishments include the continued expansion of the Young Adult
    Leadership Conference, which marked its 10th anniversary last March, and the
    launching of the Mission Service Project, which gives ACYOA members the
    opportunity to assist with the training of altar servers and choir singers
    at the mission parishes.

    In the past year, the ACYOA saw the addition of six new chapters, bringing
    the Diocesan-wide total to 23 chapters.

    Delegates at the assembly also heard Jennifer Morris, Youth Outreach
    coordinator at the Diocese, speak about Diocesan Summer Camp programs, where
    many ACYOA members serve as counselors. Julie Hoplamazian, College Ministry
    facilitator at the Diocese, highlighted resources available to college
    students and young professionals.

    Delegates reviewed the findings of the auditing committee, approved a new
    budget for 2010, and passed a proposal to publish and distribute an annual
    report prior to future assemblies. They thanked the Primate and the ACYOA
    Executive Secretary Nancy Basmajian for their support of the organization's

    During the traditional Primate's Luncheon on Friday, Archbishop Barsamian
    presented all delegates with a personalized copy of the Diocese's
    newly-published Armenian Canon Bible, which contains the entire canon of
    scriptural books considered authoritative in the Armenian Church, in English

    Central Council members also announced the recipients of five service

    Dn. Sarkis Altunian, of St. Sarkis Church in Dallas, received the "Fr.
    Haroutiun Dagley Award" in recognition of his many contributions to various
    ACYOA programs.

    The Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, dean of St. Nersess Seminary, was
    presented with the "Fr. Haigazoun Melkonian Award" in honor of his
    leadership and dedication to the youth of the Armenian Church.

    Laurie Odabashian received the "Sam Nersessian Award," given to individuals
    who display the Christian values of love, patience, humility, and

    Lydia Kurkjian received the "Gregory Arpajian Award" for her leadership and
    contributions to the Armenian Church.

    "The Chapter 'A' Award," given to the best all-around chapter, went out to
    St. John's Church of Detroit, Mich.

    Annual Elections

    Delegates elected members to the Central Council, and the Nominating and
    Auditing committees.

    Danny Mantis, Lydia Kurkjian, and Ara Janigian were elected to the Central
    Council, and Danielle DerAsadourian was re-elected to the organization's
    governing body.

    The new Central Council was blessed by the Primate after Sunday's Divine

    Alex Derderian, of St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church in Wynnewood, Pa., will
    serve as chair; Talin Hitik, of St. Gregory Church in Chicago, as vice
    chair; Lydia Kurkjian, of St. Gregory the Enlightener Church in White Plain,
    NY, as secretary; Danny Mantis, of St. Mesrob Church in Racine, Wis., as
    treasurer; Danielle DerAsadourian, of St. James Church in Evanston, IL, as
    chapter relations coordinator; Gervork Vartanian, of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob
    Church of Providence, RI, as programming coordinator; and Ara Janigian, also
    of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob in Providence, as public relations coordinator.

    Elected to the Nominating Committee were: Jonathan Dadekian (Watervliet,
    N.Y.), Harry Kezelian (Detroit, Mich.), and Arthur Sabounjian (Framingham,
    MA). Arpi Paylan (Evanston, IL) will serve as the alternate.

    Elected to the Auditing Committee were: Raffi Gulbenk (Trumbull, Conn.),
    George Macarian (Boca Raton, Fla.), and Andrew Piligian (Framingham, MA).
    Nick Bazarian (Washington, D.C.) will serve as the alternate.

    "This year's General Assembly was a great success," said incoming Central
    Council chair Alex Derderian. "It's always inspiring to see youth who are
    this dedicated that they are willing to take time out of their personal
    schedule, to take time away from school, and to come and help run the
    organization that is so important to all of us."

    The General Assembly was chaired by Danny Mantis, with Arthur Sabounjian
    serving as vice chair. Lorie Odabashian served as secretary, and Ara
    Janigian and Krikor Javardian were appointed the sergeants-at-arms. Rev. Fr.
    Tateos Abdalian and Rev. Fr. Yeprem Kelegian assisted as parliamentarians.

    Next year's General Assembly and Sports Weekend will take place in
    Watertown, Mass. The assembly voted to hold the 2011 gathering in Charlotte,

    * * *


    Photo 1: A delegate listens to the ACYOA Central Council report during the
    General Assembly.

    Photo 2: Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese,
    addresses ACYOA delegates at the General Assembly.

    Photo 3: A delegate at the ACYOA General Assembly reviews the Auditing
    Committee report.

    Photo 4: Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese,
    addresses ACYOA delegates at the General Assembly.

    Photo 5: The Rev. Fr. Hovnan Demerjian, pastor of St. Hagop Armenian Church
    in St. Petersburg, Fla., addresses the ACYOA General Assembly.

    Photo 6: Delegates work in small groups to brainstorm vocations ideas.

    Photo 7: Delegates vote on a proposal to publish and distribute an annual
    report prior to future assemblies.

    Photo 8: A group photo of clergy and delegates at the 64th annual ACYOA
    General Assembly.

    Photo 14: Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese,
    blesses Alex Derderian, the incoming chair of the ACYOA Central Council
    after the Divine Liturgy and installation service on Sunday, May 24.

    Photo 15: Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, and
    Nancy Basmajian, Executive Secretary of the ACYOA, with newly installed
    Central Council members.