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EBRD Launches New Strategy For Armenia

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  • EBRD Launches New Strategy For Armenia

    09.06.2009 17:25

    The EBRD is prepared to invest over â~B¬180 million across various
    sectors of the Armenian economy over the next two years, according
    to the EBRD's latest strategy for Armenia.

    Serving as a roadmap for EBRD's activity, the strategy for 2009-2010
    focuses on areas that will help the country alleviate the effects of
    the economic downturn.

    Although Armenia is not directly exposed to the turmoil on the
    global capital markets, the crisis will reach the country through
    diminishing remittances and declining exports. Armenia's fledging
    prosperity is likely to be severely tested in the difficult years
    ahead, and the country's best hope for weathering the crisis lies in
    further developing its small and medium enterprises.

    "In these circumstances the EBRD will uphold its commitment
    to support private micro, small and medium-sized enterprises by
    providing necessary financing for the development of this sector
    through local partner banks. At the same time, EBRD will foster its
    support for Armenian banks by offering credits for on-lending, and by
    introducing such new products as energy efficiency loans. EBRD will
    selectively pursue equity participation in Armenia's leading banks
    and will encourage consolidation of the banking sector," EBRD says.

    In the public sector, the EBRD will also support projects which
    promote transition and sector reform.

    The EBRD strategy notes that progress in structural reform in Armenia
    has slowed down in recent years, and that significant challenges
    need to be addressed to promote an investment-friendly environment
    in the country. The Bank has identified a number of important issues
    that need to be addressed, including diversification of the Armenian
    economy, improving the competitiveness of export-oriented production,
    promoting competition and limiting monopolies, tackling corruption,
    strengthening the financial sector and promoting commercialisation
    of public infrastructure.

    To maximise the benefits of its investments in Armenia, the Bank will
    maintain policy dialogue with local authorities in order to advance
    structural and legislative reforms in the country, which will also
    increase Armenia's investment appeal among potential investors.

    Over the past four years, the EBRD's investment in Armenia has more
    than quadrupled and reached â~B¬125 million across 43 projects. The
    EBRD's pipeline for next two years in Armenia includes over 30
    projects, for investments in excess of 180 million.