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Observer Was Beaten Up And Arrested

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  • Observer Was Beaten Up And Arrested


    07:05 pm | June 08, 2009 | Politics

    "It is the first time a human rights activist has been arrested in
    Armenia," says the chairman of the Armenian Helsinki Association,
    Michael Danielian.

    Two days ago human rights advocate Arshaluis Hakobyan was "invited"
    to an interrogation. After policemen handed him the writ of summons
    a quarrel started between them. Soon Michael was taken to a police
    station. According to press, Hakobyan was beaten up at the police
    station by Deputy Chief of Police of Kentron Police Department Arayik

    Remind that Arshaluis Hakobyan conducted an observation mission
    in Malatia-Sebastia District during the municipal election of May
    31. Hakobyan was forcibly removed from polling station 8/23. Later
    he reported to the Prosecutor's Office on the ill-treatment.

    Michael Danielian says the human rights advocate was brutally beaten
    up at the police station. His head was bleeding and there were bruises
    all over the body. They possess a forensic report. Arshaluis Hakobyan
    was kept at the police station for two days.

    He is charged with Article 316 of Armenia's Criminal Code (violence
    against a government representative).

    During a conversation to A1+, Michael Danielian noted that
    the authorities seem to have forgotten about an observer's
    inviolability. The police have been instructed to take Hakobyan under
    a two-month preliminary arrest.

    After this scandalous incident, the RoA Police has placed the following
    information on its website.

    "On June 5 two representatives of the Kentron Police Department visited
    Arshaluis H., 1972, to hand him a summons. Arshaluis H. was a bit drunk
    and signed in the wrong place. After the policemen warned him against
    the mistake, Arshaluis began railing at them, threw a cigarette on
    them, slapped one of the policemen and beat the other. The policemen
    were forced to take Arshaluis H. to a police station.