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RA Foreign Minister Pays Two-Day Working Visit To Georgia

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  • RA Foreign Minister Pays Two-Day Working Visit To Georgia


    Noyan Tapan
    June 9, 2009

    TBILISI, JUNE 9, NOYAN TAPAN. At Georgian Foreign Minister Grigol
    Vashadze's invitation, RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian paid a
    two-day working visit to Tbilisi on June 7-8.

    E. Nalbandian with G. Vashadze and Tbilisi Mayor Gigi Ugalava conducted
    the solemn unveiling of a memorial of Sayat Nova in Meydan Square
    of Tbilisi on June 7. Memorial's foundation-stone was laid in 2008
    September by the Armenian and Georgian Presidents during RA President
    Serzh Sargsyan's official visit to Tbilisi.

    E. Nalbandian met with G. Vashadze in the morning of June 8. The
    Georgian Foreign Minister expressed satisfaction with cooperation
    developing with Armenia in various spheres and said that the Georgian
    authorities are interested in further deepening and expansion of the
    current high level of interrelations.

    Speaking about steps aimed at promoting economic cooperation between
    the two countries and partnership in that sphere, E. Nalbandian
    conveyed Armenian side's expectation on reconsideration of tariffs
    for cargo transportations to Armenia and out of Armenia through the
    territory of Georgia. The Ministers also discussed issues regarding
    cooperation in the energy and transport spheres.

    According to the report of the RA Foreign Ministry Press and
    Information Department, at the meeting, the Foreign Ministers of
    Armenia and Georgia in detail discussed a number of problems of
    Georgian Armenians. G. Vashadze presented programs implemented by the
    Georgian authorities to solve the socio-economic problems in Javakhk,
    in particular, in the spheres of creation of jobs, road construction
    and improvement of educational institutions' conditions.

    The interlocutors also exchanged thoughts over a number of regional
    and international issues.

    E. Nalbandian returned to Yerevan the same day.