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Vote On Package Of Tax Amendments Postponed

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  • Vote On Package Of Tax Amendments Postponed


    Noyan Tapan
    June 9, 2009

    YEREVAN, JUNE 9, NOYAN TAPAN. The speaker of the RA National Assembly
    Hovik Abrahamian stated at the June 9 sitting that the vote on
    the package of tax amendments - the government's legislative
    initiative discussed in first reading the day before - has been
    postponed. According to him, the parliamentary factions and the
    government are now jointly discussing the package, and the discussed
    package will be either put to the vote on June 10 or withdrawn by
    the government.

    To recap, at the previous four-day session the package was a subject of
    quite a heated debate and severe criticism, after which the government
    has amended it. However, the main target of the opponents of the
    package - the idea of introducing the institution of representative
    of the tax body in big business, which is envisaged by an addition
    to the Law on Taxes - has been retained.

    At the June 8 sitting, the main speaker, Deputy Minister of Finance
    Suren Karayan said that the cases, when a representative of the tax
    body is appointed by the State Revenue Committee for tax control,
    have been specified in the amended version. By this version, a
    representative is appointed when the tax payer's revenues from goods,
    products, services and work, as well as from the sale of assets in
    the previous year exceed 4 billion drams, or if the customs value of
    goods imported by the tax payer in the "import for free ciculation"
    customs regime exceed 500 million drams during three months preceding
    some moment in the reporting year. A representative is also appointed
    in case when as a result of the law envisaged-measurements made at the
    VAT payer in the reporting year, a deviation of 100 million drams and
    over between the data in the statements submitted by the tax payer
    and the measurement results is recorded, or if the tax payer himself
    has filed a written application.

    The provisions on current control by representative of the tax body
    in production spaces have been removed from the preliminary version
    of the bill. It has been clearly stated that a tax representative may
    only enter product and commodity delivery, transportation and sale
    places. The rights of the tax representative have also been specified:
    he can register and examine the amount and prices of only delivered,
    transported and sold goods and products, and the documents on these

    Nevertheless, "Heritage" and "ARF" factions, as well as some
    NA deputies were against the legislative initiative of the
    government, saying that the introduction of the institution of
    the tax body's representative is contrary to the Constitution and
    the program provisions of the government, including the one on
    reduction of contacts between an economic entity and tax bodies to
    a minimum. According to the opponents, this is also a step against
    free market relations and free economic competition.