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What Plans Do Obama And Medvedev Have?

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  • What Plans Do Obama And Medvedev Have?

    Karine Ter-Sahakyan

    06.06.2009 GMT+04:00

    In the issue the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation we have only
    one truly serious problem - the status of NKR.

    The impending visit of the US President to Moscow next month can be
    considered symbolic: both Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev represent
    the new generation of pragmatic politicians, not burdened with the
    load of the past and having a clear view of peace. This view can at
    first sight be unexpected for the majority of politicians of older
    generation, such as Brzezinski, Albright, Thatcher, Carter, just like
    certain 'rebooted' Yalta understandings.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Moreover, it is absolutely obvious that the entire
    system of world order and the carcass remain the same as 60 years ago;
    only the political vectors are changing. If after Churchill's "Fulton
    speech" Eastern Europe and Near East became priority regions, the
    center has now shifted into the Caucasus and Central Asia. Moreover,
    taking into account the significance of the Caucasus for the system
    of regional and international security, we perceive that X Hour will
    soon arrive for the region, whose future will depend precisely on
    what Medvedev and Obama will agree on. Naturally no one is going to
    surrender their position in this fight, a problem we have already
    analyzed in discussing the spheres of influence. But there is
    one more player worth remembering - Europe, or to be more exact,
    President of France Nicolas Sarkozy, who is eager to show that
    without the European Union, any initiative in the region is doomed
    to failure. It was exactly what Sarkozy attempted to prove last year,
    introducing the plan of Georgian-Ossetian conflict regulation. By the
    way, he succeeded. And now he is flying to Moscow to participate in
    the negotiations on regulating the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Let us
    note that earlier there had appeared information on Sarkozy planning
    to visit the countries of the South Caucasus in the middle of July.

    If we believe the last statement of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs
    on the "possible meeting between Sargsyan and Aliev in July", we can
    declare with absolute confidence that in Moscow talks the co-chair
    countries, in the person of their presidents, will exert pressure on
    the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan. And who will win the fame
    of a peacemaker is difficult to predict. But evidently it won't be
    Sarkozy, although the position of the EU is possible to be taken into
    account and used by one of the negotiators as counterbalance. In case
    resolution is adopted on the level Obama-Medvedev-Sarkozy, it would
    be all the same who would voice it.

    In the issue the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation we have only
    one truly serious problem - the status of NKR. All the other "basic
    principles" and Madrid proposals are based precisely on it. And,
    naturally, it is exactly the status of independent Karabakh that
    cannot satisfy Baku. Largely, Karabakh is necessary to Aliyev for
    settling the internal problems of his country, and more than once has
    it been discussed. The situation is similar to the Palestine-Israeli
    conflict - Arab leaders condemn "the unwillingness of the authorities
    of Israel to compromise" in order to distract their own population
    from misery and radicalism. Thus, the bellicose statements of the
    Azerbaijani President are simply statements. Obama and Medvedev
    need a region that would send its energy resources along the routes,
    selected for them by Russia and the USA, while the opinion of oil-
    and gas-producing countries won't be asked. At the moment there is
    a banal trading going on - who will pay more? Iran proposed buying
    all of the natural gas, mined from the second port of the Azerbaijani
    deposit Shahdeniz at acceptable prices; China proposed $3 billion to
    Turkmenistan for the development and purchase of gas, to say nothing of
    "Gazprom" that purchases gas everywhere, even in Algeria and Libya. But
    first conflicts need to be solved in order to ensure the security of
    the gas pipes: be it Nabucco or anything else. Moreover, on the basis
    of the same considerations of security it is also necessary to solve
    the Armenian-Turkish problem.

    But until the Presidents' meeting there is still a month, during the
    Presidential elections of Iran are to take place. Much depends on who
    will become the new head of the only country in the region that is
    almost independent from the USA. If Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is elected,
    the region will remain as restless as now. However neither can anything
    be predicted in case of the victory of Musavi - the highest spiritual
    power in Iran belongs to Ayatollah Khamenei and without his blessings
    nothing can ever occur.

    Sure, there is also the Turkish factor, which cannot be ignored. The
    visit of Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to Washington
    showed that in distribution of influence spheres in the Caucasus,
    Ankara is not determined to remain in the role of an observer. Ankara
    is persistently trying to participate in the normalization of the
    situation in the Near East, but she hasn't succeeded so far. However,
    she is also trying to play her role in the OSCE Minsk Group, where
    she is always met with closed doors. But as soon as the mediators of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation are tired of reconciling
    the conflicting sides, they may turn to Turkey for help. And what
    outcome it will have for Armenia and the NKR is as clear as a day.