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Prosecutor Demands 5 1/2 Years For Suspect In Edik Baghdasaryan Assa

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  • Prosecutor Demands 5 1/2 Years For Suspect In Edik Baghdasaryan Assa

    Ararat Davtyan
    20 09/06/10 | 20:50

    Court Media

    Garen Harutyunyan, the only suspect arrested and charged in the assault
    of Edik Baghdasaryan, Hetq's Chief Editor, on November 17, 2008,
    again claimed in court today that he had nothing to do with the crime.

    Mr. Harutyunyan, had refused to testify during the preliminary
    investigation, but in today's trial session at the Kentron and
    Nork-Marash District Court, he answered all the questions asked of him.

    "I was at home at the time and I can prove it. At the police station
    they told me that I had done it and asked me how. I told them I hadn't
    and had nothing to say," the suspect declared in court.

    During the interrogation of the suspect, Edik Baghdasaryan brought
    up the fact that he received three phone call registered to Garen
    Harutyunyan's brother (the son of Garen's mother's second husband).

    "There are phone calls that the investigators must examine; calls made
    hours before and after the incident. I am convinced that one of the
    calls was made by Garen Harutyunyan himself. But the investigators
    aren't doing anything. It's too complicated for we journalists to do;
    it could take months," stated Mr. Baghdasaryan.

    When asked by the Hetq editor to respond, the suspect said, "I lost
    my cell phone card and went without one for about one month."

    Before that the court interrogated Norayr Avetisyan, director of
    the police training academy, who was walking by when the assault
    took place. He said that he went to the Vernisage to play some pool
    at a club nearby when he saw Garen Harutyunyan, whom he recognized
    as a former resident of his courtyard, and two other unfamiliar men
    walking towards the fountains.

    "I stopped the car to take a better look at them About 50 meters away
    I saw that a fight was ensuing. I ran towards the spot, shouting that
    I was a police officer and to stop fighting. They didn't listen to my
    call so I fired my gas pistol into the air. With that, they took off,"
    stated Mr. Avetisyan in court.

    Mr. Avetisyan said that he started to chase after them but stopped
    because he was more concerned with the victim. He recognized Garen
    Harutyunyan when he spotted the assailants later on.

    The witness said that two of the assailants were beating Edik
    Baghdasaryan with their fists and feet from in front while the third
    was striking the victim with what appeared to be a heavy object from
    behind. He said that Mr. Baghdasaryan tried to get up but the blows
    were coming from all sides and he couldn't.

    "It's a lie. That man (Norayr Avetisyan) is an enemy of mine. That's
    why he's saying all these things," blurted out Mr. Harutyunyan. The
    suspect went on to say that Avetisyan had been in love with his sister
    (the daughter of Garen's mother's second husband - Hetq) and that
    later on the girl had a boyfriend who told Avetisyan to forget about
    the girl.

    The suspect said that between 3 and 4 pm on the day of the assault he
    was busy taking his mother home from the Erebuni Medical Center where
    she had been operated on. He said that his mother's doctor, Lusineh
    Tovmasyan, and nurse, Nayira Muradyan, could vouch for him. Nurse
    Muradyan is a close friend of the suspect's mother, Marineh Markosyan.

    Defense attorney Vahagn Manoukyan motioned the court to interrogate
    these three individuals but Judge Mnatsakan Martirosyan denied the
    request arguing that Marineh Markosyan and Nayira Muradyan had a stake
    in the outcome of the trial and that they were present throughout
    the trial in any case.

    Judge Martirosyan stated, "Lusineh Tovmasyan gave testimony during
    the preliminary examination that Garen Harutyunyan was at home on
    the day of the incident until around 7:00 p.m. This neither refutes
    nor substantiates whether he committed or didn't commit the act he
    is charges with that took place at approximately 7:50 pm."

    Prosecutor Hayk Balyan stated that the charges of "hooliganism"
    brought against the defendant were fully founded and called for a
    sentence of 5 1/2 years.

    The defense requested a recess to prepare their counter-argument. The
    trial will resume on June 19.