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"Orange Armenia" Promises Not To Disappoint

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  • "Orange Armenia" Promises Not To Disappoint


    08:24 pm | June 09, 2009


    Serzh Sargsyan met with Vice-chairman of "France Telecom-Orange"
    Olaf Svante and Director General of "Orange Armenia" Bruno Dyotua.

    The president welcomed the company's entrance into the Armenian
    market and expressed confidence that this will bring a new sweep in
    the economic cooperation between France and Armenia. According to
    President Sargsyan, the French company's activities will help further
    liberalize the telecommunication market and may serve as a good basis
    for development of other fields of economy.

    The president attached importance to the entrance of the third
    operator in the market from a couple of angles. First, the "France
    Telecom-Orange" will bring its experience and variety of services to
    Armenia. Secondly, this will give rise to competition and will benefit
    consumers. The company's entrance will also lead to new investmens
    and the creation of jobs.

    Vice-chairman of "France Telecom-Orange" Olaf Svante reaffirmed their
    mission to provide high-quality services, fast and up-to-date Internet
    and phone connection.

    "We are pleased to work in the Armenian market and assure you that
    we will not disappoint our subscribers," said Svante.

    Olaf Svante presented the company's programs, the work aimed at the
    company's infrastructures and mentioned that they are doing everything
    possible to have the company ready to provide its services to customers
    by the end of the year.

    The Vice-chairman of "France Telecom-Orange" informed that the company
    foresees to make investments worth 80 million dollars in 2009 with
    the purpose of broadening its activities not only in the capital,
    but also in the regions.

    "We are interested in seeing "France Telecom", which is one of
    the world's leading operators in the field of telecommunication,
    to quickly start its activities in Armenia," underscored President
    Sargsyan and added that the Armenian government is ready to support
    the solution to any issues that may arise.