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Power Is Sacred And Striving For Power- Sacrilege?

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  • Power Is Sacred And Striving For Power- Sacrilege?

    Nano Arghutyan

    17:19:40 - 10/06/2009

    On these days, the leader of the oppositional party Raffi Hovhannisyan
    called on the two other oppositional forces - the ARF Dashnaktsutyun
    and the Armenian National Congress, to unite. Congress had not refused
    to cooperate before either, but there have always been problems with
    the Dashnaktsutyun. The answer of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun did not let us
    wait for long: the member of the Bureau, Vahan Hovhannisyan stated that
    they have no need to cooperate with the Congress. "Around which issues
    do you see the cooperation?" stated Vahan Hovhannisyan. He stressed
    that they became opposition only because they did not agree with the
    foreign policy of the government. Apparently, the remaining issues
    are normal, although the ARF did not sign the final report on the
    Yerevan Elders' Council election of the Central Electoral Commission.

    It seems that two oppositional poles are formed in Armenia. The poles
    differ by their intentions - the Armenian National Congress believes
    that the roots of the current situation in the country and the failure
    of the foreign policy are determined by the current authorities,
    and the only way to change the situation is the change of power,
    stating that the Congress is going to realize it through constitutional
    means. The Heritage also believes that the country needs extraordinary
    parliamentary and presidential elections. At the same time, the second
    pole - the Dashnaktsutyun is not seeking to change the government,
    but it states about its "intention to influence on the policy of the
    government". In fact, the oppositional poles differ from each other
    by the main feature - striving to change the government.

    During yesterday's debate on the electoral law in Armenia, the Human
    Rights Defender Armen Harutunyan stated that the aim of the opposition
    should not be the change of government but the democratic struggle. As
    if the democratic fight excludes shift of power through elections,
    as if power is sacred, and the desire for it is sacrilege. Society is
    being convinced that the striving for power is almost an anti-Christian
    feeling: pride, incumbency for property of one's neighbor. In general,
    a Christian must not seek for power, even by constitutional means.

    In this connection, the question occurs, why the ARF Dashnaktsutyun is
    not striving for power. What hinders the party from stating that in
    order to fulfill its projects connected with the foreign policy, the
    Dashnaktsutyun needs the power. Maybe the party needs this government
    to preserve the power.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress