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Online Genocide Doc Attracts Thousands of International Viewers

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  • Online Genocide Doc Attracts Thousands of International Viewers

    Regional Kinetics
    USA Office
    Contact: David Davidian
    Email: [email protected]

    Press Release
    June 10, 2009

    *Online Genocide Documentary Attracts Thousands of International Viewers*

    BELMONT, MA - `We were given about a 10 minute time slot to air a
    documentary during Boston's 90th commemoration of the Turkish genocide
    of the Armenians. The challenge was addressing the complex aspects of
    this tragedy in a visual format: the audience was assumed to be both
    Armenian and non-Armenian, the dismemberment of Ottoman Turkey and its
    reemergence as the Republic of Turkey had to be set in its correct
    historical continuum, and the racial basis and mechanics of the
    extermination of the Armenians within and outside the
    Turkish-Russian-Persian borders had to be explained, along with the role
    of the Germans and the precedent it set for the Nazi Holocaust of
    European Jews,' explained Regional Kinetics head David Davidian.

    `Each of these elements alone could have been the subject of a one hour
    documentary. However, our film team was successful in producing a
    compelling script that was succinct and most importantly, historically

    This historical documentary is part of the Regional Kinetics website,
    `Land Reparations for the Turkish Genocide of the Armenians.' This site
    has had over 23,000 visits from over 85 countries since going online in
    September 2008. Its Facebook Cause page already has about 1,250 members.

    `This level of interest is uncharacteristically high for this type of
    web site. The historical documentary, `1915 Turkish Genocide of the
    Armenians,' has the highest viewership, followed by the Academic Papers
    and Armenian-language page of the site,' noted Davidian. `Last month
    there were 6,000 views of historical documentary from all over the
    world. We know that the site has been visited by individuals at the
    highest levels of the Turkish government.'

    The 10-minute documentary on the Turkish Genocide of the Armenians is
    available for viewing at the following link:
    _ .html_

    The main web site,, is available in the
    English, Armenian, Persian, Turkish, Russian, and Georgian languages,
    and it provides a rationale for Armenian land claims against the
    Republic of Turkey.

    `Reparations from the Turkish state to the Armenian people for the crime
    of genocide must include a land transfer for Armenia to exist as a
    self-sustaining state. Sovereign access to the Black Sea is the
    requisite element for its survival,' notes the background page on the
    web site.

    `The intent of the Turks was to remove the capability of Armenians to
    exist as a nation on their ancestral lands. Regional Kinetics believes
    the capacity of Armenians to be self-sufficient must be restored to the
    Republic of Armenia,' added Davidian.

    The web site includes responses to a set of six `frequently asked
    questions' that provide concise background on the issues raised by the
    web site. An Academic Papers page that addresses reparations, land
    grants, insurance settlements, and related issues is frequently updated,
    and scholarly submissions to the site are encouraged.

    Regional Kinetics is a virtual, worldwide organization composed of
    individuals who assert that land reparations for the Turkish genocide of
    the Armenians must be based on a clearly stated argument.