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BAKU: Great Britain Supports Territorial Integrity Of Azerbaijan At

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  • BAKU: Great Britain Supports Territorial Integrity Of Azerbaijan At


    June 11 2009

    Great Britain supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan at
    the international level and is in favor of resolution of conflict
    within the framework of international law, said British Ambassador
    in Azerbaijan Caroline Brown said during his visit to Tovuz region
    of the country. The diplomat also visited the village, located on
    the contact line of troops of Armed Forces of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    Brown, who visited Tovuz region at the initiative of deputy Ganira
    Pashayeva, visited graves of martyrs and the mosque. The diplomat met
    with Tovuz region administration officials and deputies. The ambassador
    was informed about the history of Tovuz, its economic potential and
    business. The possibility of investment by foreign businessmen in the
    sphere of agricultural products in Tovuz, extension of cooperation
    with local entrepreneurs in this field was also stressed.

    Guests visited the villages of Agdam and Alibeyli village in Tovuz,
    located on the border with Armenia. Ambassador met with local residents
    and they informed her about the burning of the cemetery and fire,
    committed by Armenians on the front, and other acts of vandalism. The
    civilian population, who are engaged in agriculture, is under fire
    opened by Armenians. The Ambassador also visited the homes and
    schools that were damaged as the result of violation of ceasefire by
    Armenians. The ambassador spoke to civilians, who were injured during
    working on fields as a result of fire, opened by Armenian snipers.

    Brown expressed regret that many countries, including Western,
    do not know the truth about this conflict and the situation on the
    contact line.

    "Sometimes people call this conflict is frozen. Indeed, the phrase
    "frozen conflict" is not appropriate when you see people with shrapnel
    in the body, civilians who can not safely walk down the streets. UK
    calls this not as "frozen conflict" but the war, which has not
    been resolved. My country has repeatedly stated that recognizes the
    sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We are absolutely
    know where start and end boundaries of countries in the region ",
    Brown said.

    As for the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, the
    ambassador said that her country supports the territorial integrity
    of Azerbaijan at the international level and is in favor of solving
    the problem within the framework of international law.

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
    when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian armed
    forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992, including
    the Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding districts. Azerbaijan
    and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The co-chairs of
    the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France, and the U.S. - are currently
    holding the peace negotiations.

    Brown also met with women activists in Tovuz, NGO representatives,
    as well as with students and teachers. Students asked questions
    about the occupation policy of Armenia. Tovuz residents presented
    to Ambassador saz (national music instrument) and kelagai (silk
    scarf). The Ambassador also visited the Baltika factory in Tovuz and
    acquainted with local production. Brown visited a local TV channel
    Simurq-M, met with its team and together with the deputy Ganira
    Pashayeva answered questions on air.