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Armenia: Deep concern over ill-treatments against a HR defender

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  • Armenia: Deep concern over ill-treatments against a HR defender


    ARMENIA: Deep concern over ill-treatments against a human rights

    while in arbitrary detention

    Paris-Geneva-Yerevan, June 12, 2009. The Observatory for the
    Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the World
    Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the International Federation
    of Human Rights (FIDH), along with the Civil Society Institute, the
    Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Vanadzor Office, the Helsinki Committee of
    Armenia, the Collaboration for Democracy Centre, Transparency
    International, the Anti-Corruption Centre and the Foundation Against
    Violation of Law, express their deep concern about the ill-treatments
    against human rights defender Arshaluys Hakobyan while arbitrarily
    detained since June 5, 2009.

    On May 31, 2009, Mr. Arshaluys Hakobyan a member of the Armenian
    Helsinki Association and press photographer of the official website of
    the organisation (, had monitored the elections for the
    Mayor of Yerevan together with a group of observers. In their
    capacities as observers representing the Helsinki Association,
    Mr. Hakobyan and the group visited polling station N° 8/23 in
    Malatia-Sebastia district, Yerevan. The members and head of the
    electoral commission blocked their way preventing them from carrying
    out the monitoring process. The group was eventually taken outside the
    polling station and the doors were locked. The observers were
    subsequently threatened with corporal punishment.

    Following the aforementioned incidents, Mr. Hakobyan filed a complaint
    with the Special Investigation Department. On June 5, 2009, he was
    summoned by the Investigation Department to give
    testimonies. Nevertheless, he refused going there and stated that he
    would only go to the Investigation Department provided they would hand
    over an official summons. Later on, two police officers went to
    Mr. Hakobyan's with a `summons', which nevertheless contained no
    information about the criminal case or the reason as to why he was
    being summoned.

    Mr. Hakobyan refused to sign the paper alleging it was not valid.
    However, after pressuring him, the police officers eventually forced
    him to sign. Mr. Hakobyan, who was not wearing his contact lenses at
    that time, signed in the wrong place, which made the police officers
    angry. In spite of asking the police officers to leave, the officers
    asked for police reinforcement, and took him to the Police Department
    of Kentron District, in Yerevan, where he underwent beatings and other
    ill-treatments. He was handcuffed and then taken to the Investigation
    Department of Kentron District, where he was denied access to a
    lawyer. He was subsequently charged with `violence against a
    Government representative', under Article 316 part 1 of the Armenian
    Criminal Code. Following questioning, he was taken to a pre-detention
    cell. As of issuing this press release, Mr. Hakobyan remains detained
    in the Nubarashen penitentiary institution.

    On June 6, 2009, the Court of First Instance for Kentron and
    Nork-Marash districts confirmed Mr. Hakobyan's arrest as a preventive
    punishment. The date of his trial is still not known as the
    investigation is ongoing.

    Mr. Hakobyan has currently the possibility to have contacts with his
    family and was granted access to a lawyer. On June 11, 2009, members
    of the `prison monitoring group', composed of various representatives
    of civil society, visited Mr. Hakobyan in the Nubarashen penitentiary
    institution, and reported numerous injuries on different parts of his
    body (legs, hands, back and head). Such injuries were reportedly
    registered in a medical folder upon his arrival in this penitentiary

    Our organisations express their deep concern about Mr. Arshaluys
    Hakobyan's arbitrary arrest and firmly condemn the above-mentioned
    acts of ill-treatment against him, which seem to merely aim at
    sanctioning his human rights activities, and call upon the Armenian
    authorities to guarantee in all circumstances his physical and
    psychological integrity, in conformity with the 1998
    < nders/docs/declaration/declaration
    .pdf> United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, with the
    < p?Ref=3DCM(2008)5&Language=3DlanEnglish&Ve r=3Dadd&S
    ite=3DCM&BackColorInternet=3D999 9CC&BackColorIntranet=3DFFBB55&BackColorLo gged=3DFFA
    C75> of the Committee of Ministers on Council of Europe action to
    improve the protection of human rights defenders and promote their
    activities, and with the 2007 Resolution of the OSCE Parliamentary
    Assembly on Strengthening OSCE Engagement with Human Rights Defenders
    and National Human Rights Institutions.

    Our organisations further urge the Armenian authorities to release Mr.
    Hakobyan immediately and unconditionally. to order a thorough,
    immediate, effective and impartial investigation into the
    above-mentioned facts, the result of which must be made public, in
    order to identify all those responsible, bring them before a
    competent, independent and impartial tribunal and apply to them the
    sanctions provided by the law and, more generally, to put an end to
    all acts of harassment against all human rights defenders in Armenia.

    Our organisations also call upon the Commissioner for Human Rights of
    the CoE to act in accordance with operative paragraph 4 of the CoE
    Declaration on Human Rights Defenders with regards to this
    situation. We further urge the European Commission Delegation as well
    as European Union (EU) Member-States embassies in Armenia to call upon
    Armenian authorities to comply with the relevant international norms
    and standards and take action on the above-mentioned human rights
    violations, in line with the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders.

    For further information, please contact:
    * FIDH : Karine Appy, + 33 1 43 55 25 18
    * OMCT : Delphine Reculeau, + 41 22 809 49 39
    * Civil Society Institute : +374 10 574317