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PA - Forthcoming session (22-26 June)

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  • PA - Forthcoming session (22-26 June)

    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
    PACE summer session: the state of human rights in Europe

    Strasbourg, 12.06.2009 - A biennial debate on "the state of human rights
    in Europe", focusing on the need to eradicate impunity and the progress
    of the Assembly's monitoring procedure, is a highlight of the summer
    session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in
    Strasbourg on 22-26 June 2009. The first ever PACE Human Rights Prize is
    due to be awarded at a ceremony on this occasion.

    Irish President Mary McAleese and Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor
    will address the parliamentarians. Other speakers include the Chairman
    of the Committee of Ministers, Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel
    ®bogar, and Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis.

    The election of the new Secretary General of the Council of Europe is on
    the draft agenda. The Assembly will adopt its agenda at the opening of
    the session. There has also been a request for an urgent debate on the
    process for electing the Secretary General.

    The Assembly will debate a proposal that its Bureau restore Special
    Guest status to the Belarus Parliament, and will discuss the latest in a
    series of reports on the functioning of democratic institutions in

    Parliamentarians will also discuss the challenges of the financial
    crisis to the world economic institutions, as well as the activities of
    the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 2008, with a
    statement by its President Thomas Mirow.

    They are also due to decide on the establishment of a "partner for
    democracy" status with the Assembly, aimed at the parliaments of
    neighbouring countries who wish to espouse Council of Europe values.

    Finally, the Assembly will consider a challenge to the credentials of
    the Ukrainian delegation on substantial grounds, made by 20 members of
    the Assembly.


    The Assembly will adopt its final agenda at the opening of the session.

    Draft agenda

    Monday 22 June 2009 (opening at 11.30 am)

    * Opening of the session and statement by the President

    * Adoption of the agenda

    * Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing

    * Statement by Theo-Ben Gurirab, President of the Inter-Parliamentary

    * Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Parliamentary
    Assembly presented by Samuel ®bogar, Minister for Foreign Affairs of
    Slovenia, Chairperson of the Committee of Ministers

    * Statement by Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of

    Tuesday 23 June 2009

    * Election of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe

    * Situation in Belarus
    < 3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11939.htm>

    * Address by Mary McAleese, President of Ireland

    * Election of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights with
    respect to San Marino
    < D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11940.htm>

    * The activities of the European Bank for Reconstruction and
    Development (EBRD) in 2008: reinforcing economic and democratic
    < ain.asp?link=3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11 938.htm> , and statement by EBRD President Thomas Mirow

    * The challenges of the financial crisis to the world economic
    < Main.asp?link=3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC1 1944.htm>

    * Reconsideration on substantial grounds of previously ratified
    credentials of the Ukrainian delegation (Rule 9 of the Assembly's Rules
    of Procedure)

    Wednesday 24 June 2009

    * Election of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
    (possible second round)

    * The state of human rights in Europe: the need to eradicate
    < n.asp?link=3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC1193 4.htm> , and statement by Antonio Cassese, President of the Special
    Tribunal for Lebanon and former President of the International Criminal
    Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

    * Ceremony to award the 2009 Human Rights Prize of the Parliamentary
    Assembly to the NGO British Irish Rights Watch

    * Election of a judge to the European Court of Human Rights with
    respect to San Marino
    < D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11940.htm> (possible second round)

    * The state of human rights in Europe and the progress of the
    Assembly's monitoring procedure
    < k=3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11941.htm> , and statements by Irene Khan, Secretary General of Amnesty
    International, and Holly Cartner, Director for Europe and Central Asia
    of Human Rights Watch

    * Europe's forgotten people: protecting the human rights of
    long-term displaced persons
    < 3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11942.htm> , and statement by Walter Kälin, Special Representative of
    the UN Secretary-General on the human rights of internally displaced

    * The functioning of democratic institutions in Armenia

    Thursday 25 June 2009

    * Possible urgent debate or Lobbying in a democratic society
    (European Code of conduct on lobbying)
    < k=3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11937.htm>

    * Address by Borut Pahor, Prime Minister of Slovenia

    * The funding of public service broadcasting
    < link=3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11848.htm& gt;

    * Renewable energies and the environment
    < ink=3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11918.htm&g t;

    * Nuclear energy and sustainable development
    < ink=3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11914.htm&g t;

    Friday 26 June 2009

    * Establishment of a "Partner for democracy" status with the
    Parliamentary Assembly
    < =3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11913.htm>

    * History teaching in conflict and post-conflict areas
    < /Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11919.htm>

    * The urgent need to combat so-called "honour crimes"
    < link=3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11943.htm& gt;

    * Draft Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local
    Self-Government on the Right to Participate in the Affairs of a Local
    < sp?link=3D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11935.h tm>

    * Draft Protocol No. 3 to the European Outline Convention on
    Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or
    Authorities concerning Euroregional co-operation groupings (ECGs)
    < D/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc09/EDOC11936.htm>

    Practical information

    Press conferences: Lluís Maria de Puig, PACE President, will give a
    press conference on Monday 22 June at 10.45 a.m., to be broadcast live
    on the Assembly's website at
    Other press conferences will be announced on the spot.

    Further details: see the Assembly's website,
    < t/> . Additional information may also be found on
    the Council of Europe web portal,

    For TV planning units: videos in broadcast quality summing up PACE
    highlights can be downloaded for free at
    <> no later than two hours after the event.

    Contact: PACE Communication Unit: tel. +33 3 88 41 31 93;
    [email protected]

    For accreditation: Danielle Schreiber-Somoza, Directorate of
    Communication, [email protected]
    <mailto:danie [email protected]> , tel. +33 3 88 41 25 44

    Press Release
    Parliamentary Assembly - Communication Unit
    Ref: 464a09
    Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 31 93
    Fax +33 (0)3 90 21 41 34
    e-mail: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

    The Parliamentary Assembly brings together 318 members from the national
    parliaments of the 47 member states.
    President: Lluís Maria de Puig (Spain, SOC) - Secretary General of the
    Assembly: Mateo Sorinas.
    Political groups: EPP/CD (Group of the European People's Party); SOC
    (Socialist Group); EDG (European Democrat Group);
    ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe); UEL (Group of the
    Unified European Left).