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HAAF Toronto Banquet, big success for Spitakashen village

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  • HAAF Toronto Banquet, big success for Spitakashen village

    Hayastan All-Armenian Fund
    Governmental Buiding 3, Yerevan, RA
    Contact: Hasmik Grigoryan
    Tel: +(3741) 56 01 06 ext. 105
    Fax: +(3741) 52 15 05
    E-mail: [email protected]

    1 June, 2009

    Hayastan All-Armenia Fund Toronto Banquet, a big success for the
    construction of the school in Spitakashen village

    On Sunday, June 7,?at the Armenian Community Centre,?Mr. Ara Vardanyan, the
    Executive Director of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, the key-note speaker at
    the annual banquet of Armenia Fund Toronto, kicked off the fundraising for
    the completion of another school project in Artsakh.

    Amongst some thirty projects realized, the Toronto chapter of the Fund has
    already built four schools in Artsakh. ?The 5th school is for the
    Spitakashen village, in the Martuni Region of Artsakh. ?With the help of
    previous fund-raising campaigns, the construction is well underway.

    The MC of the evening was Tenny Nigoghossian, who gave a high level overview
    of the Fund and emphasized its humanitarian purpose of helping our
    compatriots who needed basic infrastructure. Before blessing the tables,
    Rev. Father Meghrig Parikian, of St. Mary's Church, spoke about the virtues
    of "giving".

    After the cultural program, the status of the construction and
    the?financial?status of the project were presented. Through video, the
    principle of the Spitakashen school, Mr. Hayrabetyan made a direct appeal
    and offered his thanks to the Toronto community for building a modern school
    for the village.?

    Mr. Vardanyan, who was recently elected to the Director's position in May,
    gave an eloquent speech about the recent activities of the Armenia Fund's
    office in Yerevan. He also presented the great number of innovative fund
    raising ideas vastly expanding the base of the internal donors throughout
    Armenia and Artsakh. Mr. Vardanyan also presented an overall strategy of the
    Fund worldwide for the coming years.

    "We are very excited about building our fifth school in Artsakh because we
    are convinced that in 2040, the president of the Republic of Armenia or NKR
    will be from one of the graduates of our schools. If not the position for
    the president, we believe that our schools will?graduate?students who would
    become renowned scientists, diplomats, artists, doctors and other
    professionals." said Migirdic Migirdicyan, the chairman of the Toronto

    Mrs. Calabrina Boyajian, who in 2008, had organized and led?a joint
    Toronto-USA West Coast Armenia Fund?Bike-a-thon, announced the new ride for
    2009, which will take place in September,?from Monterey to Los
    Angeles,?again for the construction of the Spitakashen school.

    Mr. Vazken Terzian emphasized the importance of "National Giving". After
    that, Messrs. Kourken Sarkissian and Sarkis Yacoubian, long time benefactors
    of the Toronto Chapter, offered a challenge to the audience, of "matching
    funds for every new dollar raised" during this function. The offer
    electrified the donors bringing the grand total of the drive from this
    evening to $200,000. Another high point of the evening was the presentation
    of a $5,000 cheque to Mr. Vardanyan, by two student representatives,
    Victoria and Ari. This amount was collected under the motto "From the
    students of Toronto Armenian schools to the students of Artsakh".


    Hayastan All Armenian Fund