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"The Armenians Of Javakhk Should Unite Around The Struggle For Their

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  • "The Armenians Of Javakhk Should Unite Around The Struggle For Their


    AZG Armenian Daily


    Interview with Sevak Artsruni, the President of "Yerkir" Union of
    Non-Governmental Organizations for Repatriation and Settlement

    - It is about two months that the jury gave Javakhk Armenian political
    activist Vahagn Chakhalian's verdict on April 7, 2009. During that
    time, the Armenian community of France organized two demonstrations
    in support of Vahagn Chakhalian, the representatives of the Armenian
    community of Switzerland met with the Georgian Ambassador of the
    country. FIDH international authoritative human rights organization
    made an announcement condemning Vahagn Chakhalian's trial. How do
    the Georgian authorities respond to these processes?

    - Though Vahagn Chakhalian's case is a part of protection for the
    rights of the Armenians of Javakhk, as he is in prison because of his
    actions directed to the protection for the rights of Javakhk Armenians,
    it is better to review the processes of protection for the rights of
    Vahagn Chakhalian and the Armenians of Javakhk separately in order
    to assess the situation more thoroughly.

    After Vahagn Chakhalian's sentence, several facts were fixed during
    these two months. First, the Georgian authorities sentencing Vahagn
    Chakhalian to ten years in prison hoped that the Javakhk Armenian
    political activist would fall into despair and lose his determination
    to struggle. But on the contrary, the unjust verdict gave him more
    strength and determination. He refused to sign the appeal for mercy
    and shows endurance in spite of the pressure on him in the prison.

    Second, at present a consistent work is being carried on to move
    Vahagn Chakhalian's issue in the field of Georgian inner public
    discussions. A new attorney Nino Andriashvilli is involved in Vahagn
    Chakhalian's case. Vahagn set a task that she should carry on work
    with local, Georgian media, human rights organizations, and civil
    society institutions to present the false accusations against him,
    and the outrageous violations during the investigation Third, "Yerkir"
    Union consistently works with Diaspora communities and international
    human rights institutions to enlarge the support front of Vahagn
    Chakhalian. We hope to obtain good results soon.

    One thing is clear; the outward unyielding position of the Georgian
    authorities on Chakhalian's case is not a result of their strength but
    their weakness. They became the hostages of their own wrong decision
    on Vahagn Chakhalian's arrest taken on July 21, 2008. Instead of
    correcting it, the Georgian authorities made new mistakes plunging
    deeper into it.

    However, what is failed in case of Vahagn Chakhalian, the Georgian
    authorities seem to succeed in Javakhk. Today the atmosphere of fear,
    persecution and impunity of some officials - started from July of
    last year, when the arrests took place - continues. The Georgian
    authorities are making every effort to keep up the present situation.

    - What is the reason for the Georgian authorities' similar posture?

    - There are numerous reasons, but we should separate two of
    them. First, it seems to Saakashvili administration that the lever
    for transit road is enough to make Armenians not to worry about
    their brother's fate in Javakhk. Actually, with this the Georgian
    authorities decide our national priorities instead of us. But it is
    a misunderstanding. The Armenian nation cannot make any demographic
    or territorial retreat.

    The second and maybe the most important reason is that the Georgian
    authorities and the special services can easily make use of the
    disarray among the Armenians of Javakhk - their incompetence to pursue
    one common aim with one common front and to carry on a consistent

    - Don't you think that Georgia's uncompromising posture has
    geopolitical bases?

    - No, absolutely not, it's a fallacy. Today Georgia is in a difficult
    geopolitical situation. As a result of its improvident policy, it has
    already lost a part of its territory. Moreover, the geopolitical split
    in Georgia disrupts the society little by little. And the international
    institutions that one and an a half-two years ago perceived Georgia as
    a "Torch-bearer of democracy" in the region today more and more loudly
    express their concern about the authoritarian style of Saakashvili
    administration and human rights violations as a result of it.

    Georgia is isolated in the international political arena; it loses
    its geopolitical role step-by-step becoming a geopolitical tool. The
    Saakashvili administration that clutches at the authority has no longer
    an inner power, and it can only restrain the Georgian opposition and
    people's insurrection by obediently executing different power's will.

    Georgia being in similar difficult geopolitical situation has no
    resources to stand up against the Armenians of Javakhk that struggle
    for their just rights.

    - It is rather a long time that Yerkir Union raises the alarm about
    the issues of the Armenians of Javakhk. Isn't it a sufficient impulse
    for Armenians to unite around the mentioned issue?

    - In cooperation with the international corresponding institutions
    and with the support of some Diaspora communities, in three years we
    succeeded in creating all components of the All-Armenian conception
    of protection for the rights of Armenians of Javakhk based on the
    international law; protection of human and national minorities rights.

    However, the main bearers of the rights of Armenians in Javakhk are
    naturally the Armenians of Javakhk and the political institution that
    acts and speaks on behalf of them. Unfortunately, similar institution
    does not exist. And it naturally weakens the All-Armenian front that
    is forming round this issue.

    I want to believe that eventually we'll succeed to form a political
    unit in Javakhk and Armenia that becoming the bearer of the
    Javakhk Armenians' rights will be able to act having a clear and
    unanimous political position based and concentrated on one purpose
    - implementation of the Javakhk Armenians' linguistic-educational,
    cultural, religious, social-economic and other rights corresponding
    to the international norms.

    The steps of Yerkir Union or any other organization will not be of
    full value until the Armenians of Javakhk will unite around this
    struggle with combined forces.

    - Georgian President will visit Armenia in the nearest future. As
    regards this, the idea of Armenian-Georgian friendship is being
    underlined continuously. What real steps are being taken to strengthen
    that "friendship"?

    - The geopolitical interests of Armenia and Georgia may coincide, if
    Georgia wants it. Because of Saakashvili's pro-Turkish geopolitical
    position, unfortunately the Armenian-Georgian relations embrace
    only the framework of the trade over the transit roads. From this
    perspective, the fact of existence of the Javakhk Armenians jeopardizes
    Georgia's interests, as the geographical location of Javakhk involves
    the resources that can release Armenia from the status of a "road

    I want to repeat that similar format of relations is established
    because of Georgia. The speeches about the Armenian-Georgian
    "friendship" are groundless and idle, as Georgia deals with
    Armenia from the position of self-interested materialist and
    exploiter-monopolist. I don't think that the Armenian side isn't
    fully aware of it.

    - How do you picture the future of the struggle for the rights of
    Armenians in Javakhk?

    - In the third millennium, the state borders lost and continue to lose
    their one-time meaning. Being in the political territory of Georgia
    but populated by Armenians and being a part of the Armenian plateau,
    Javakhk will remain Armenian as long as Armenians live there.

    Georgia as a modern state is obliged to take into consideration
    this fact.

    I am confident that the future of Javakhk is not in the hands of
    Georgian or Armenian authorities but the Armenians of Javakhk.

    The Armenians of Javakhk should unite around the struggle for their
    rights. Mercenary and obsequiousness are inexcusable things. The
    imperative is clear. The public-political figures of Javakhk should
    consolidate round the started struggle for the status of the Church
    and Armenian language, foundation of Armenian University in Javakhk
    and stopping of political persecutions.

    The Armenians of Georgia need leaders versed in international law
    and experienced in politics, who will be able to present and protect
    their rights everywhere - in Akhalkalak, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Strasbourg,
    Washington, etc. It is time the Armenians of Javakhk present themselves
    as fighters for their rights.