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Isfahan Half Of The World

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  • Isfahan Half Of The World


    Cultural Heritage News d=2135
    June 12 2009

    Isfahan flourished under the Safavid Dynasty and is renowned for its
    outstanding Islamic and Iranian architecture. In those times, it had
    a population of one million and boasted of many parks, libraries,
    public baths, shops and mosques that amazed domestic and foreign
    visitors alike, CHTN reported.

    One of the great works of Shah Abbas in that period was Naqsh-e
    Jahan ("Pattern of the world") Square which is a jewel in Isfahan's
    crown. This majestic complex comprises commercial, worship and
    aristocratic buildings designed with a view to aesthetics and visual

    Tourist Spots

    To the west of Imam Square, a beautiful tree-lined boulevard offers
    delightful hours of walking under its cool green shades. Chahar Bagh
    is the main street of Isfahan and traverses Zayandeh Rud. Some of
    the world's most picturesque bridges have been built on this river.

    Another place worth spending hours is the city's four-mile labyrinthine
    bazaar, with its majestic Qeysarieh Portal in Imam Square.

    Andre Malraux, the famous French author and adventurer, says, "Who can
    claim to have seen the most beautiful city of the world without having
    seen Isfahan?" Therefore, do not hesitate to visit the Florence of
    Iran whose well-proportioned mosques and their turquoise blue domes
    and minarets rival the color of the sky.

    Ali-Qapu Palace

    The name Aali-Qapu, meaning "Magnificent Gate", was given to this
    place as it was right at the entrance of the Safavid palaces that
    stretched from Naqsh-e Jahan Square to Chahar Bagh Boulevard. Built
    at the end of 16th century, the royal palace was used to entertain
    visitors and foreign ambassadors.

    Aali-Qapu is 48 meters high and has five floors, with a wide terrace
    whose ceiling is inlaid and supported by wooden columns. It offers
    a wonderful panoramic view of the square and the best view of Imam
    Mosque. The interior of the building is decorated with paintings by
    Reza Abbasi, the renowned Persian miniaturist. On the upper floor,
    the music room is also decorated with plasterwork representing pots
    and vessels.

    Imam Mosque

    Imam Mosque, formerly called Shah Mosque, is one of the greatest
    architectural achievements of Shah Abbas I who built it to complete
    the magnificent central square of Isfahan. Work started on its
    outstanding entrance in 1611 and it was not until 1629, the last year
    of Shah Abbas's reign when the mosque was completed, although minor
    decorations were added during the reign of his descendants.

    The height of the entrance's minarets is 48 meters, southern minarets
    42 meters and central dome 52 meters. Due to double-layering the
    interior, its ceiling is 36.3 meters high, and the hollow space in
    between is responsible for the loud echoes heard when you stamp your
    foot below the dome.

    The entrance faces the square as a counterpoint to the Qeysarieh
    portal, but the mosque is designed to point in the direction of
    Mecca. A short corridor leads into the inner courtyard, which has a
    pool and is surrounded by four corridors, each of which leads into a
    vaulted sanctuary. There are also two theological schools, a marble
    prayer niche and a pulpit at the head of stairs on which the speaker
    sits, which are beautifully crafted.

    The mosque is completely covered, both inside and outside, with
    dazzling tiles. An estimated 18 million bricks and 472,500 tiles have
    been used in the building. The richness of its blue-tiled mosaic
    designs, the unity of the overall structure and its perfectly
    proportioned Safavid-era architecture form a visually stunning

    Chehel Sotoun

    This building, now a veritable museum of Persian painting and
    ceramics, was a pleasure pavilion used for the king's entertainments
    and receptions. It stands inside a vast royal park, but near the
    enclosure, and was built by Shah Abbas II around an earlier building
    erected by Shah Abbas I.

    An inscription states that the decoration and frescoes were completed
    in 1647. Only two large historical frescoes date from the later period
    of the Zand dynasty. Unfortunately, the Chehel Sotoun has been badly
    damaged since then, especially when the Afghans occupied the town
    and covered the paintings with a thick coat of whitewash. It is now
    being extensively restored under the aegis of the Institute Italiano
    Per il Medio Orient.

    The pavilion opens onto the gardens through an elegant terrace, only
    a few steps high and supported by slender, delicate wooden pillars. In
    reality, there were never more than 20 columns, but their reflections
    can be seen in the park's pool and, hence, Iranians call the building
    "pavilion with forty columns" (besides, the number 40 has a symbolic
    meaning in Persia and expresses respect and admiration).

    Two rows of water-spouts and fountains in the shape of stone lions
    at the four corners carried water to the huge, elegant rectangular
    basin. The terrace is a marvel of elegance. The slender pillars
    support a light wooden ceiling with wide fretwork louvers. This clearly
    shows the influence of East Asian architecture. Part of the sumptuous
    decoration has disappeared.

    Picture the back wall covered with mirrors, doors made of rare
    carved wood and the pillars, each cut from a single plane tree,
    with their fine veneer, their brightly colored paintings and studs of
    colored glass. The remarkable ceiling is till intact with its beams,
    its covering, its painted wood louvers and its carefully designed
    rosettes, suns, stars, stylized fruit and foliage.

    The great wooden ceilings--a rare luxury in a country so lacking in
    treesÃ'are guarded by four lions that support the central columns.

    Shahrestan Bridge

    It is one of the oldest bridges of Isfahan on Zayandeh Rud.

    Most of the 11-arched stone and brick structure is believed to
    date from Sassanid period prior to Islam and have been repaired and
    completed under the Dailamites and the Seljukids. The name Shahrestan
    comes from the village located to the east of Isfahan, which is now
    a part of the city.

    Vank Cathedral

    Vank Cathedral, built between 1606 and 1655 with the encouragement
    of Shah Abbas, is the historical focal point of Armenian Church in
    Iran. It is located in Jolfa, the Armenian quarter south of Si-o-Seh
    Pol. The church's interior unlike its exterior is richly decorated
    with beautiful paintings and miniatures that represent biblical
    traditions and images of angels and apostles.

    It shows the curious mixture of styles, Islamic tiles and designs
    alongside Christian imagery. The attached Vank Cathedral's museum
    displays historical records and relics, and the edicts of Iranian
    kings dating back to the time of Shah Abbas I. It also contains an
    interesting collection of artworks.

    Grand Bazaar

    The Grand Bazaar of Isfahan, the heritage of the Seljuk and Safavid
    eras is one of the oldest and largest bazaars of the Middle East. It
    stretches from Imam Square to Jame' Mosque several kilometers away.

    The bazaar can be entered at dozens of points along its winding route,
    but the main entrance is via the Qeysarieh Portal at the northern end
    of Imam Square. The high gateway is decorated with tiles and, higher
    up, frescoes by Reza Abbasi depicting Shah Abbas's war with the Uzbeks.

    Like most Iranian bazaars, Grand Bazaar is loosely divided into
    several interconnected corridors, each specializing in a particular
    trade or product, with carpet dealers, goldsmiths, samovar-makers,
    shoemakers and dyers, all having their own quarters.

    You can also find several mosques, tea shops, bathhouses and even
    gardens. Small apertures in the vaulted roof let in sufficient light
    yet kept out the intense heat of summer and retained warmth in winter.

    Hasht Behesht Palace

    Hasht Behesht, a two-story palace, is located in the middle of
    Bagh-e Bolbol.

    Built about 1669 by Shah Sulieman's commission, it was once surrounded
    by a vast garden and similar buildings, of which nothing remains except
    this interesting and beautiful palace. It consists of an octagonal
    base on which four corridors and four smaller sets of chambers are
    raised, while the center is surmounted by a spectacular ceiling.

    The domed ceiling of the main reception room is painted in purple on
    a glittering gold base. Painted tile designs of birds, animals and
    hunting scenes, found on the spandrels of the outer blind arches,
    enliven the facades of Hasht Behesht. The palace owes its fame, apart
    from its architectural and decorative merits, to the lavish use of
    marble slabs, vault decorations and excellent tilework dotted with
    scenes of animals (birds, beasts of prey and reptiles) covering the
    building on the outside.

    Si-o-se Pol

    Allahverdi Khan Bridge, built on a section of Zayandeh Rud, is a
    continuation of Chahar Bagh, the principal street in Isfahan.

    Built at the beginning of 17th century on the order of Shah Abbas,
    it is named after a famous general. It is also called Si-o-Se Pol
    (Bridge of 33 Arches). It is said that the bridge originally comprised
    40 arches, but this number gradually reduced to 33. It is the longest
    bridge in the city and is 45 feet wide and 175 yards long. Although it
    looks impressive, it does not have the same archeological or aesthetic
    interest as the two other bridges farther downstream.

    Hammam-e Sheikh Bahai

    The bath of Sheikh Bahai is located in a small street named after him
    in the southern section of the old bazaar close to Masjed-e-Jam'e. It
    derives its fame mainly from the story that it was warmed by a single
    candle placed in a closed space, which never needed a replacement.

    The candle was larger than the ones normally placed on tables and
    the clay pipes, which supplied the water, became unusable many years
    ago. According to his own instructions, the candle would not work once
    it is dismantled. Unfortunately, this happened during the repair of
    the building and no one could make the system work again.

    Monar Jonban (Shaking Minaret)

    It is a mausoleum built over the grave of Abu Abdollah and dates back
    to Safavid period. Minarets on both sides of the mausoleum and its
    porch are the main attractions of this place. Because of the ratio
    between the height and width of the minarets, any movement produced in
    one of the minarets is automatically replicated by the other minaret.

    The corridor of the mausoleum has been decorated with polygonal azure
    tiles, and the inscription on the tombstone reads as follows:

    "This is the tomb of the virtuous, god-fearing Sheikh Abu Abdullah
    ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmud Saqla, my God bless his soul. Dated (17th
    Zil-Hijja, 716 AH)."

    As Iran's artistic and historical center, Isfahan offers a wide
    range of charming choices to tourists keen on visiting monuments and
    picturesque landscapes. They can also purchase Isfahan's fine carpets,
    handicrafts, souvenirs and sweets.