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Paet: Armenian Reconciliation With Neighbouring Countries In Best In

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  • Paet: Armenian Reconciliation With Neighbouring Countries In Best In


    Ministry of Foreign Affairs hiiv_kuup=kuup_2009
    June 12 2009

    Foreign Minister Urmas Paet, in Armenia on a visit, stated that it
    is in Estonia's security interests for the conflicts and dissensions
    in Lower Karabakh to be resolved. "This includes the resolution of
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the normalisation of Armenia-Turkey
    relations, and the support of Georgia's territorial integrity,"
    said Paet.

    Foreign Minister Urmas Paet said during his meetings with Armenian
    state leaders today that Estonia is interested in developing relations
    with Armenia in the political, economic and cultural fields.

    Both the Estonian and Armenian foreign ministers expressed hope that
    the Estonia-Armenia business forum opened today is an important step
    for economic relations. "Estonian businesses have not yet discovered
    Armenia and its investment opportunities. Hopefully this business
    seminar is a good start for intensifying contacts in the future,"
    said Paet in Jerevan while opening the seminar. The Armenian side
    expressed a lively interest in Estonia's e-democracy and information
    technology development, as well as in sharing the experiences of
    constructing Estonia's insurance system.

    During his official visit in Armenia, Foreign Minister Urmas Paet
    talked about Estonia-Armenia relations, Armenia's relations with the
    European Union and NATO, and co-operation within the framework of
    European Neighbourhood Policy and Eastern Partnership in meetings
    with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, Parliament Speaker Hovik
    Abrahamjan, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and Economic Minister
    Nerses Yeritsian.

    Foreign Minister Urmas Paet brought up Estonia's wish for Armenia to
    abolish the visa requirement for Estonian citizens. "Estonia would
    also like to sign a readmission agreement with Armenia as soon as
    possible," Paet noted, adding that Estonia is prepared to abolish
    its visa requirement for carriers of Armenian diplomatic passports.

    Armenian Economic Minister Nerses Yeritsian, during his meeting with
    Foreign Minister Paet, expressed interest in Estonia's pension system
    and informed the foreign minister that Armenia would like to create
    a pension pillar programme based on Estonia's example.

    During his meeting with Foreign Minister Nalbandian, Paet said that
    Eastern Partnership is a good opportunity for Armenia to grow closer
    to the European Union. "I hope that Armenia will use the opportunities
    offered by Eastern Partnership in every way possible," said Paet. "We
    hope that as a result of Eastern Partnership co-operation, close
    economic relations will be created between the target states and
    the European Union, and that in the future we will also achieve the
    conclusion of a comprehensive free trade agreement," he added.

    When talking about co-operation between the two nations, Paet
    also mentioned the training opportunities that Estonia offers to
    Armenian diplomats. "Young Armenian diplomats participate in the
    short-term training on European Union and NATO integration organised
    by the Estonian School of Diplomacy. The programme will continue for
    another year," Paet noted. "For six years now, Estonia has co-operated
    with Sweden to organise trainings for Armenian rescue specialists,"
    he added.

    Other topics discussed were the region's security situation, relations
    with neighbours, and energy issues. Paet emphasised at the meeting
    that Estonia supports the peaceful and constructive resolution of
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. "The steps taken between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan to find a peaceful solution to the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict are encouraging," he stated. While talking about Armenia-NATO
    co-operation, Paet noted that Estonia would be happy to see Armenia
    participating in the reconstruction of Afghanistan within the framework
    of NATO's ISAF peacekeeping mission.