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Armenia needs political dialogue for solving current problems

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  • Armenia needs political dialogue for solving current problems

    Armenia needs political dialogue for solving current problems
    13.06.2009 18:52 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ There are 5 factors in modern world affecting
    Armenians' worldview, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said during
    the discussion titled `Relieving Ourselves from the Past'. The event
    was organized within the frames of World Sociology Congress. `The
    first factor is the rapid', the Prime Minister said, `is the paces
    which change life, and we don't manage to catch up with them. The
    second factor is that the world is really becoming a smaller place. In
    the early 1990's, for instance, Armenian Brazil was not so close to us
    as it is now. The third factor is education. While in the past,
    society's main asset was industry and production, today we need a
    knowledge-based society. The forth factor is the opportunity for
    personal self-realization. And the fifth, fundamental problem is the
    phenomenon of national culture. Every day, one language in the world
    becomes `dead'.
    The Prime Minister focused on two issues: NKR conflict and
    Armenian-Turkish ties normalization. As important subjects responsible
    for their solution, he emphasized the role of Armenia, NKR and entire
    Armenian community.
    The solution of such problems requires a political dialogue, something
    Armenia lacks now, Sargsyan stressed.