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U.S. ready to cooperate with Iran irrespectively of outcomes of

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  • U.S. ready to cooperate with Iran irrespectively of outcomes of

    U.S. ready to cooperate with Iran irrespectively of outcomes of
    13.06.2009 18:46 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The U.S. is ready to cooperate with the new
    administration of Iran irrespectively of outcomes of
    elections. However, the Washington's position remains unchanged: Iran
    must stop its nuclear program, said American foreign policy advisor
    and United States Ambassador to the United Nation Susan
    Rice. `Politics of the U.S. towards Iran and its nuclear program does
    not depend on the government of that country. Our position is Teheran
    is obliged to stop elaboration of military nuclear program and our
    position will not change against elections results.
    In its turn, the U.S. president Barack Obama stated, that he is amazed
    by the activity voter shown during the presidential elections in
    Iran. He stressed, that he relies on the result, which could help Iran
    to lead to democracy.