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Armenia: Homeless in Yerevan

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  • Armenia: Homeless in Yerevan

    ReliefWeb (press release)
    June 14 2009

    Armenia: Homeless in Yerevan

    Source: Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR)
    Date: 12 Jun 2009
    Special Report: Karabakh Refugees

    A decade and a half after the fighting ceased, many refugees are still
    waiting for proper housing.

    By Gegham Vardanian in Yerevan (CRS No. 497, 12-June-09)

    In a gloomy ex-hostel, built for students at Yerevan's chemistry
    technical collage but used by refugees from Azerbaijan, 120 families
    are still waiting for some kind of decent accommodation.

    Amazingly, considering that whole families are crammed into rooms of
    just 12 square metres, and are forced to share a toilet with up to 50
    people, often this is better than the facilities they have had in the

    Some 360,000 of the half-million Armenians who fled Azerbaijan because
    of the Karabakh conflict, which ended exactly 15 years ago, ended up
    in Armenia, and accommodation for them is still scarce.

    Maria Aslanian, a 96-year-old, has lived with her two sons
    â?? 67-year-old Viktor and 62-year-old Vladimir â??
    in one such room for ten years. With its three beds and cupboard,
    there is barely room to stand up.

    "There was a time when we had absolutely nowhere to live. For four
    months we had to sleep outside, in the snow and the rain. It's good
    that they gave us this place," said Maria, as she sat playing
    backgammon with Viktor.

    Just down the hall was her neighbour Laura Melkonian, who has lived in
    the former student hostel in the Charbakh district of the Armenian
    capital for 18 years already. She spent years complaining about the
    toilets, but has just learned now to accept them as they are.

    "Water drips out of the ceiling, it pours out of the plaster, and we
    have to go in there with an umbrella. Who knows, maybe one day the
    ceiling will fall down completely? But what can we do? It is a public
    toilet, which 50 people are using," she said.

    She has more space than many of her neighbours, since her husband has
    left her to move to Russia, and she lives only with her 13-year-old

    She has separated out a little kitchen area with a curtain, but it is
    so small that only her arms can fit inside it. "I am thinking maybe I
    should leave the country and become a refugee from Armenia," she

    Gegham is the editor of the website of Internews and a
    participant in IWPR's Cross Caucasus Journalism Network. 0SID/MUMA-7SZ8ZU?OpenDocument