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Catering to minorities puts pressure on foreign policy

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  • Catering to minorities puts pressure on foreign policy

    Calgary Herald , Canada
    June 14 2009

    Catering to minorities puts pressure on foreign policy

    By Peter O'Neil

    Prime Minister Stephen Harper's feather-ruffling approach to foreign
    policy, particularly as it relates to issues that resonate with
    certain Canadian ethnic groups, could jeopardize Canada's national
    interests, say analysts and former senior diplomats.

    Harper's government has, since 2006, sparked angry reactions from
    Russia, China, Turkey, Greece, and Israel's critics in the Muslim
    world with outspoken positions, particularly in the touchy area of
    human rights.

    The federal government is frequently supported by opposition MPs in
    some of the decisions, such as the Canadian government's recognition
    of alleged genocides committed against Ukrainians by the old Soviet
    Union, and against Armenians by Turkey.

    It is all part of a growing ' and some say risky ' political
    competition by all parties to win key battlegrounds in Canada's
    cosmopolitan big cities, which become increasingly more diverse as a
    quarter of a million immigrants and refugees arrive in Canada each

    `The attempt to win over minority groups (is) a very active policy,
    and it's one that is legitimate enough so long as it doesn't start to
    hamper our international relations and affect our national interests,'
    said Paul Heinbecker, Canada's former ambassador to the United

    But he said the Harper government has gone overboard in several
    instances, annoying so many countries that Canada might not beat out
    Germany and Portugal in the 2010 vote for the two available United
    Nations Security Council seats.

    `My guess is that we're still going to get elected, but there is an
    argument to be made that there's a limit to the number of people you
    can disappoint.'

    Canadian military historian David Bercuson said Canada's frequent
    criticisms of Russia on human rights, on its treatment of its
    neighbours, and on Arctic sovereignty ' criticisms always popular
    among several politically important Canadian ethnic groups according
    to one Ukrainian-Canadian commentator ' could impair Canada's efforts
    in Afghanistan.

    `At some point, we need to let it go,' said Bercuson, director of the
    University of Calgary's Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, of
    Harper's Cold War-style rhetoric directed at the Kremlin.

    He said Canada and its allies in Afghanistan rely on Russian goodwill
    and assistance to get equipment and supplies crucial in fighting the
    Taliban and al-Qaida.

    `At what point are you defeating your own cause by being a so-called
    hardliner when you really don't have a lot of impact on the whole
    situation anyway?'

    Bercuson and Carleton University's David Carment co-edited the book
    The World in Canada: Diaspora, Demography and Domestic Politics, a
    2008 collection of essays that examine the growing influence of
    Canada's multicultural communities on foreign policy during eras of
    both Tory and Liberal rule.

    The authors argued that various ethnic groups can sway decisions on
    everything from foreign aid allocations to where Canada sends the
    military's costly, and not necessarily efficient, DART disaster
    assistance team.

    Diaspora politics was also cited as a crucial factor in issues
    relating to domestic terrorism concerns as well as big-city gang crime
    and violence.

    Former prime minister Paul Martin was long accused of being too close
    to Canadian Tamils who helped fund the Tamil Tigers, a brutal
    terrorist organization that was banned after Harper took power in

    Diaspora influence on foreign aid decisions is also evident. Canada
    recently created a Top-20 list of `countries of focus' for development
    spending. The list, which shifted spending away from Africa and toward
    the Americas, included 18 countries plus the West Bank and Gaza in the
    Middle East, and the various countries that are part of the so-called
    Caribbean Regional Program.

    Among the targets were countries with large, if not always
    influential, Canadian diasporas ' Haiti, Jamaica, Sudan, Pakistan and

    One of the most curious inclusions was Ukraine, the only European
    country identified and a country ranked a relatively healthy 78th out
    of 177 countries measured by the 2005 United Nations human development
    index, which assesses factors such as life expectancy, school
    enrolment, literacy and income.

    But Canadians of Ukrainian heritage number more than 1.2 million,
    according to Statistics Canada, and are a politically important
    constituency particularly in Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario.

    `We're only beginning to fully grasp the situation,' Carment said in
    an interview. `Diaspora politics is the number-one issue that Canada
    will have to confront in the 21st century.'

    The Harper government has consistently argued that its foreign policy
    positions are driven by principle. On China, in particular, one Tory
    insider, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the government's
    criticism of Beijing has been driven by the personal convictions of
    Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, rather than any political

    A government spokeswoman echoed the argument that Harper's policy is
    driven by political principles, not pandering.

    `We make foreign policy decisions based on all Canadians' interests,
    supporting our common values of freedom, democracy, human rights and
    the rule of law,' Catherine Loubier, spokeswoman for Foreign Affairs
    Minister Lawrence Cannon, wrote in an e-mailed statement.

    Conservatives acknowledge they are aware criticism of Moscow resonates
    positively with many Canadians of eastern European ancestry, who still
    have bitter memories of Russian dominance during the Soviet Union's
    Communist empire.

    They also acknowledge that many Canadian Jews appreciate Harper's
    unwavering support for Israel.

    But they said current policy positions relating to Russia, eastern
    Europe and the Middle East would have been taken regardless of
    political considerations.

    One Ukrainian-Canadian said his community, and others originally from
    eastern Europe and the Baltic region, enjoy hearing Harper bash

    `The Ukrainian community is supportive of such statements; they are
    concerned about Russian reviving its imperial past,' said Marco
    Levytsky, publisher of the Edmonton-based Ukrainian News.

    `I'm sure the Balts (Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians) and Poles
    feel the same way as do the Ukrainians and everyone that suffered
    under Russian imperialism and Soviet imperialism.'

    He said the Harper Conservatives `are quite aware of how the Ukrainian
    community feels about the Russian threat, so no doubt they are doing
    this for political reasons. But it's part of their philosophy too.'

    The Tory government's use of foreign policy to win favour in Canada's
    multicultural communities was evident in a 2007 presentation to Tory
    workers made by Kenney that was leaked to a Toronto newspaper.

    The front page of the PowerPoint presentation showed a published
    declaration of Armenian-Canadian gratitude for the decision to
    recognize the Turkish genocide. Kenney, according to the document,
    noted that the party was seeking both to win ridings as well as to
    dispel ongoing Liberal arguments that the party is anti-immigrant.

    Other examples:

    ¢ The Conservatives, in addition to angering North Atlantic Treaty
    Organization ally Turkey over the Armenian genocide, also upset
    another NATO partner, Greece, by currying favour with
    Macedonian-Canadians after taking power in 2006. The government
    formally adopted early that year the motion passed by the House of
    Commons in 2004 recognizing Macedonia as the `Republic of Macedonia'
    rather than the `Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia' as it is
    referred to by many of Canada's allies.

    Greece has held up Macedonia's bid to join NATO and the European Union
    due to the name dispute, which is sparked by Greek fears that
    Macedonia will make territorial claims to the adjacent Greek
    territory, also called Macedonia.

    ¢ In the Middle East, critics say Harper blew apart the attempts of
    previous Canadian governments to take a balanced approach to the
    ongoing conflict when he said in 2006 that Israel's bombing of targets
    in Lebanon, in response to Hezbollah's abduction of two Israeli
    soldiers, was `measured' despite the resulting civilian deaths.

    The Kenney 2007 presentation doesn't mention Israel, but said a Tory
    goal was to `target growth in the Jewish community.' Some Tory
    defenders have noted that Muslims and Arabs outnumber Jews in Canada,
    which suggests that political opportunists would not be inclined to
    support Israel.

    But the University of Western Ontario's Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon,
    writing in The World in Canada, argued that the Jewish community has
    been `very effective in speaking with a united voice,' while Arab
    Canadians are more disparate and, therefore, less likely to agree on
    policy goals, `especially those toward the Middle East.'

    ¢ The Harper government's criticism of China on human rights, which
    has been toned down after ongoing objections from both big business
    and the Chinese-Canadian community, doesn't qualify as an example of
    pandering, said the Tory insider.

    He said Kenney has made clear to party members he has pushed an
    outspoken position based on personal principles even though many
    Chinese-Canadians, regardless of their views on communism, have
    resented the public criticism of their `mother country' ' especially
    during the 2008 Olympics that Harper refused to attend.

    Former senior Canadian diplomat Jeremy Kinsman, Canada's former top
    representative to Russia, the United Kingdom and the European Union,
    shares Heinbecker's concern about a diaspora-driven policy threatening
    Canadian interests.

    Kinsman said federal political parties, by adopting foreign policy
    positions advocated by diaspora groups, are effectively encouraging
    new Canadians to bring their homeland disputes to Canada.

    `Our tradition had always been that foreign politics stops at the
    water's edge when you come into Canada,' Kinsman told Canwest News
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