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Tough message from Baku

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  • Tough message from Baku

    Haykakan Zhamanak , Armenia
    May 27 2009

    Tough message from Baku

    Yesterday Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was in Azerbaijan
    on an official visit.

    At a meeting with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, the
    Karabakh conflict and Armenian-Turkish relation normalization issues
    were discussed. After the Davutoglu-Mammadyarov meeting, a joint press
    conference took place at which the Turkish minister sent a tough
    message to the Yerevan government using the language of an ultimatum.
    The occupied territories of Azerbaijan should be liberated. This is
    Turkey's message to Armenia. Let Armenia stop staging a farce in the
    region, Davutoglu stressed and added: I want to assure our Azerbaijani
    brothers that the Nagornyy Karabakh problem and the return of occupied
    territories are very important for Turkey and nobody should doubt
    this. We are looking into Azerbaijan's future in the same way we look
    into Turkey's future.

    At the same time the minister mentioned that Turkey did not want the
    existence of frozen conflicts in the region. International
    organizations and developed countries of the world - the USA, Russia,
    France and Turkey - should boost efforts to settle the issue. Turkey
    will continue its efforts in that direction. Armenia should stop the
    occupation. Azerbaijani territories should be returned based on the UN
    resolutions, he stressed and repeated that they would not open borders
    with Armenia before that condition was met. In that regard the Turkish
    high-ranking official attached great importance to the upcoming
    meeting between [Armenian President] Serzh Sargsyan and [Azerbaijani
    President] Ilham Aliyev to be held on the sidelines of the
    International Economic Forum on 4-6 June in St Petersburg. He
    mentioned: We should not miss that historical moment.

    Actually, after Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's
    statement made on 13 May in Baku, the Ankara government, this time in
    the person of its foreign minister, announces for a second time that
    Armenian-Turkish relations will not be regulated and that the border
    will not open until Armenian troops vacate Nagornyy Karabakh and
    adjacent territories. This, in fact, represents the abrupt toughening
    of Ankara's position in regard to the Nagornyy Karabakh issue. Whereas
    earlier Turkey put forth the return of adjacent territories as a
    precondition for establishing relations with Armenia and opening the
    border, and they linked the opening of the border to the Nagornyy
    Karabakh issue settlement without mentioning ways of its regulation.

    Today, Ankara is putting forward a clear-cut condition to Yerevan:
    withdraw troops from both Nagornyy Karabakh and adjacent territories,
    otherwise Yerevan has to forget about the border opening. Davutoglu's
    speech is obviously demonstrating that Ankara wants to get actively
    involved in the conflict settlement process and therefore wants to
    take the advantage of the fact that Turkey is currently a temporary
    member of the UN Security Council. It is not by chance that he
    (Davutoglu) is expressing his dissatisfaction with the activity of the
    OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. This proves that Turkey intends to have a
    role in the Nagornyy Karabakh issue settlement. The Turkish foreign
    minister is actually sending this tough message right before the
    Sargsyan-Aliyev meeting in St Petersburg with the intention to make
    Yerevan more prone to concessions at the forthcoming meeting. In
    general, very suspicious statements are being heard from Baku on the
    eve of the St Petersburg meeting. And this gives grounds to conclude
    that the Armenian side will be forced to make serious concessions in
    St Petersburg.

    A couple of days ago, Elmar Mammadyarov announced that Armenia was
    having a negative impact on the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh
    issue. In the process of peaceful settlement we have had many
    achievements together with the previous Armenian president. But we
    have achieved nothing with the incumbent one. As a person conducting
    negotiations I cannot boast any progress. The new US administration
    has started to influence on the regional process through the OSCE
    Minsk Group and other countries. But because of the new Armenian
    president, we have not made any step forward, Mammadyarov
    said. Despite the above-stated fact, the OSCE [Minsk Group] co-chairs
    have stressed on numerous occasions that it is easier for Sargsyan and
    Aliyev to find common ground than it was for [former Armenian
    President Robert] Kocharyan and Aliyev. So, Mammadyarov tries to
    convince us that Kocharyan made concessions and Sargsyan is not. But
    Mammadyarov by this declarations helps Serzh Sargsyan to protect
    himself from the criticism and accusation inside Armenia. Hence, we
    can conclude that Azerbaijan makes a diplomatic move to disguise the
    expected concessions to be done by the Armenian side. We cannot but
    rule out that Sargsyan made concessions in Prague too and in fact
    Armenia did not toughen its position. Merely by toughening wording
    they (Armenians) made attempts to conceal the fact of concessions.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress