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A Shaky Alliance

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  • A Shaky Alliance

    By Sergain Balashov

    Russia Profile id=International&articleid=a1245090441
    June 15 2009

    Russia's Continued Standoff with Belarus Signals Serious Trouble in
    Bilateral Relations and Highlights Problems within the CSTO

    The row between Russia and Belarus seems to have no end. The latest
    round started with Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin predicting a
    grim future for the Belarusian economy and Russia's unwillingness to
    make loans in foreign currency to its neighbor and closest strategic
    ally. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko responded by attacking
    Kudrin and the Russian government, and even taking a thinly veiled
    shot at Prime Minister Vladimir Putin himself while instructing
    his government to keep out of Russia and look for better fortunes

    The Russian reaction came rather sooner than later, when a ban was
    imposed on imports of milk products from Belarus, further damaging an
    already struggling economy. For Belarus the alliance with Russia is
    more about the economy, while Russia has more of a political interest
    in its Western neighbor. Lukashenko decided to act on that and ignored
    the June 14 summit of the CSTO, a Russian-dominated strategic alliance
    comprised of seven former Soviet states, predominantly located in
    Central Asia.

    The point of the summit was to work out an agreement to set up joint
    rapid-reaction forces, meant to stabilize the situation in the region
    amid what Medvedev called a "very high conflict potential accumulated
    within the CSTO territory."

    Russia is supposed to provide half the manpower for the forces, which
    would be deployed on Russian territory. These threats presumably
    come from Afghanistan, with its terrorism and drug traffic, and
    Georgia, as further military conflicts there are not ruled out and no
    non-aggression pact between Russia and Georgia is yet in place. That,
    however, will have to be done without Belarus, as it refused to sign
    the agreement and participate in the summit altogether.

    Lukashenko has been known for his habit of putting pressure on Russia
    to get more economic benefits for his country, which exists in a
    mild state of self-imposed isolation in Europe and has faced heavy
    criticism for its lack of democracy and the authoritarian style of
    its government. Russian protection and economic cooperation was thus
    key to the survival of Lukashenko's regime.

    Now, however, both sides have gone too far, and the media had
    reported that Russia is prepared to start a new gas row with Belarus
    in response.

    Belarus was also supposed to assume the presidency of the CSTO at
    the summit. Due to the absence of Belarus, Russia had to assume the
    presidency instead. The Kommersant daily quoted a source "close to
    the Russian government" who asserted that Russia intended to stay put
    "until the end," and that any attempts to put pressure on it wouldn't
    work."Russia's shortsightedness is really surprising. We are seeing
    the same scenario repeated over and over again, first in Georgia and
    Ukraine and now in Belarus. Russia has the same blueprint for handling
    this kind of situation: first there are harsh political statements
    followed by import bans, and finally these economic sanctions turn
    into a political standoff. If Russia could be a little less arrogant
    it would help the situation considerably," said Alexei Mukhin, the
    general director of the Center of Political Information.

    Lukashenko has two possible ways out; either to make peace with Russia
    or to rely on international financial institutions, in which case
    he would see Belarus' proclaimed sovereignty, and his own political
    influence, diminished. "The EU made it clear that they would not
    aid Lukashenko, while the World Bank would be happy to do that. The
    Belarusian economy would become addicted to foreign aid and then we
    wouldn't be talking about any sovereignty. It's also very likely that
    Lukashenko's tenure could then slowly come to its end," said Mukhin.

    The bitter split between Russia and Belarus has also exposed the
    problems that exist within the CSTO, an organization initially set up
    mostly to support the notion that Russia still dominates the former
    Soviet region strategically and economically. While Belarus ignored
    the summit completely, Uzbekistan refused to sign the joint forces
    agreement unless changes are made. The Uzbeks are calling for decisions
    regarding the use of the new forces to be made on a consensual basis
    and not by a simple majority of votes, and want Uzbekistan to be left
    with the option to refuse to participate in military operations on
    foreign soil if it violates the country's constitution. Armenia also
    had objections prior to the summit, but ended up signing the document.

    Lukashenko also opined that there was a rift within the organization,
    and it seems that he wasn't far from the truth. "The CSTO's problem is
    the lack of consensus between its members. If you want to be a powerful
    influential global organization the members have to be consolidated,
    but that's something we aren't seeing here. There is no doubt we
    can't even be talking about any rivalry to NATO; the CSTO is more of
    a regional, or I'd even say local, organization," said Eugenia Voiko,
    a foreign policy expert at the Center of Political Trends.

    The adjustment of the member countries' military doctrines to emphasize
    the danger of local military skirmishes and the new joint forces
    initiative could also mean that the CSTO is gaining some practical
    meaning, as opposed to just being little more than a formal strategic
    alliance. "This also demonstrated that the organization did not
    intend to engage in any competition with NATO, strengthening their
    own political stance and stripping NATO of an excuse to expand its
    military presence in certain regions," said Mukhin.

    But to retain its own influence, Russia needs to figure out how to
    come to terms with Belarus, which never stopped being an important
    ally. "Belarus has been one of Russia's most consistent allies in
    the former Soviet Union until this moment. Should Belarus slip out
    of Russian control, Russian positions in the region would weaken and
    it certainly wouldn't help the image of either Russia or the CSTO,"
    said Voiko.