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CNN: Lebanon Voting At Crossroads

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  • CNN: Lebanon Voting At Crossroads

    June 2, 2009 Tuesday 3:46 PM EST

    Lebanon's parliamentary elections will determine which path the
    country will take in the next four years -- the direction of Islamic
    militancy and closer ties to countries such as Iran and Syria, or a
    route to more westernization and openness.

    The results will undoubtedly dictate the course for the entire Middle
    East. Will the region remain steadfast in the face of an Iranian
    growing influence and stature or will the threat of a Shiite spread
    create new hostilities, conflicts and even redraw some maps?

    Whatever the election results in Lebanon, they will set the stage
    and tone for the new U.S. administration in its attempt to change
    its image in a troubled ever-changing Middle East.

    The Lebanese constitution calls for the president to be a Maronite
    Christian, the House speaker a Muslim Shiite and the prime minister
    Muslim Sunni. President Michel Sleiman is serving a six-year term
    which began in May 2008.

    Lebanon is the only Arab country with a thriving and politically active
    Christian population, making it a significant ally of the west. Its
    Sunni population makes it a natural ally of the mostly Sunni Arab
    world. And its growing Shiite population has found a natural bondage
    and unconditional support from Shiite Iran.

    These forces constantly exert an influence that's apparent in the
    country's social, political, and financial life.

    The parliamentary elections are pitting a pro-western camp against
    Hezbollah, known for its anti-western views and attitudes. A majority
    in parliament will have a larger influence over choosing the House
    speaker and in turn will play a decisive role in approving the prime
    minister and cabinet.

    In the past four years, the bloc led by current Prime Minister Fouad
    Siniora represented the parliamentary majority and enjoyed support
    from almost every country in the world except Iran and Syria.

    It did however fail to move the country forward and it did not
    succeed in working effectively with the opposition. Perhaps because
    the opposition represented by Hezbollah focused only on calling the
    Siniora government to resign.

    To this effect, the opposition organized a sit-in in downtown Beirut
    that lasted over a year. Then, following a blunt military takeover
    of Beirut by Hezbollah in May 2008, the Doha (Qatar) agreement was
    reached which led to an agreed-upon president and new election laws
    in favor of Hezbollah and their allies.

    Hezbollah is considered a terrorist organization by many in the west
    but seen as a legitimate and heroic resistance by many Lebanese and
    Arabs. The world has witnessed in the past four years how Hezbollah
    is capable of creating havoc if it doesn't get its way.

    No matter who wins a majority in the parliamentary elections, one
    thing is guaranteed: Lebanon will emerge as the same divided country
    that no party or entity seems able to unite.

    Professor Shibley Telahmi has led extensive polls across the Middle
    East over the past years analyzing Arab attitudes and opinions on
    subjects ranging from democracy to Arab-U.S. relations. He says:
    "Whoever emerges a winner, they will need a transformative deal to
    form a government and they will face significant opposition."

    Lebanon was bruised up during a 15-year civil war that changed forms
    many times and pitted Christians against Muslims before it drove
    Christians to kill Christians and Muslims kill fellow Muslims.

    Things got so bent out of shape that some of the alliances on the
    ground today simply don't make sense.

    The most famous or infamous of those alliances is that of Michel Aoun
    and the Armenian Tashnaq party with Hezbollah.

    And it's one of the forces that experts believe might tip the balance.

    A former Christian army general, Aoun once fought the Syrian occupation
    of Lebanon and vowed to break the neck of Syria's president. Now he
    stands by Syria's staunchest allies.

    "It's all about the politics not the ideology" says Krikor, an
    independent voter who shared his views on why his fellow Armenians
    sided with Aoun and Hezbollah.

    Krikor, who prefers to use only his first name, believes Armenians
    felt alienated under the old government. "Now that every vote counts,
    Armenians as a bloc went with those who supported them during ordinary
    times," he said

    Aoun was also alienated by the old parliamentary majority which led
    him to Hezbollah's welcoming arms.

    His supporters believe that his trips to Iran and Syria are meant to
    show a desire for healthy relations with the two countries and should
    not be interpreted as allegiance to either.

    Aoun, who was exiled in France under the Syrian rule of Lebanon,
    is believed to be a potential future mediator between Hezbollah and
    the west.

    What happens if Hezbollah imposes its strict Islamic rule on the
    country or even forces women to wear the head to toe cover known as
    the Chador?

    Krikor rejects the notions and says" "Armenians are Christians who
    suffered a lot throughout history. They will side with you but they
    won't let you take away their will or their way of life."

    Professor Telhamy believes a lot is riding on these elections. His
    nightmare scenario involves "an escalation in the Gulf region into
    a war that involves Iran." He stresses: "You should always look at
    the moving parts and their connectedness to other issues."

    What concerns observers are the "unpredictable consequences" he says.

    Will a Hezbollah win drive Iran to be more aggressive and defiant in
    its pursuit of nuclear technology and even nuclear weapons? Will it
    drive Israel to confront Iran militarily? Will the U.S. take part in
    any response against Iran?

    And these are only a few possibilities in the long list of
    unpredictable consequences.