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Government Does Not Have Moral Right To Discuss Hak Steps

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  • Government Does Not Have Moral Right To Discuss Hak Steps


    11:48:26 - 15/06/2009

    Before the election, you noted that you are not much excited about the
    Yerevan Mayor election and consider it a regular game of the government
    and it is not worth of running in it. What do you think now, was it
    worth running?

    - If the point is only about the Yerevan Mayor election, of course
    there was no sense in running for Mayor. We completely changed the
    format by promoting Levon Ter-Petrosyan's candidature. It became a
    political election. Form this point of view there was some sense in
    participating in it. Now I think that running in the Yerevan Mayor
    election with this format was right.

    - Did the Armenian National Congress hold a victory?

    - This phenomenon is very common in many countries of the world;
    when they say I won the election, you won by calculations. We held
    a victory at this election from civil point of view, from the point
    that we strengthened our tam, we voiced our plans, but we lost in
    calculations. The government did its work in calculations for the
    third time.

    -Was this the reason why you refuted the mandates?

    - The reason was again political but not calculative, because it was
    just senseless to work within a body formed in result of such kind of

    - The government thinks that the HAK was wrong to refuse the mandates
    because of the voters, which votes for the alliance.

    - Let the government care for its frauds, its crimes, they do not
    have any right to voice opinions about the HAK steps. What they do
    is not political or human, moral, civil. They do not have any moral
    right to speak about the HAK activities.

    - Considering the Yerevan Mayor election, do you think the OYP and
    the ARF Dashnaktsutyun became the victims of politics? Why did not
    they pass the limit of seven percent?

    - After the election, I stated that the government just deceived those
    two parties. It had promised that they would pass the limit of seven
    percent, but then the government was led by criminal rules where it
    is very much normal to deceive and to betray, that is why I'm not
    surprised that it deceived those two parties. At the latest really,
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan proposed a test composed of 12 points, which
    differs the pro-governmental from the non-government wings. And all
    the parties have a great possibility to show honestly their stances. I
    have to say that the test is very simple and it decided if you are
    patriot, for example whether you want Nagorno-Karabakh be a side of
    the negotiations or you don't, whether you want the election be free
    and hair or you don't.

    The government will refuse only 2 of the 12 points, extraordinary
    elections and Serge Sargsyan's resignation. The other may be used in
    Serge Sargsyan's plans.

    - Raffi Hovhannisyan proposed the ARF Dashnaktsutyun and the HAK to
    cooperate. Do you have any proposal or internal dialogues?

    - We made the first proposal on cooperation; moreover, we cooperated
    with the Heritage during this period. As to the ARF Dashnaktsutyun
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan stated very clearly, that the political field is
    very wide and there is no need to push each other. There is enough room
    for everyone, especially when the point is about change of government
    and elections. There is no problem from this point of view. Let them
    state and we may work as a team. In other words, if the Dashnaktsutyun
    agrees with the points proposed by Ter-Petrosyan, there is no need
    to sign any joint communique. The Dashnaktsutyun has to prove with
    its steps its participation in this program. They cannot be both in
    the oppositional and governmental fields. If they want to be in this
    program, let them for example allocate two hours of TV air to the HAK
    on the Yerkir Media TV, let them participate in the HAK rallies. In
    other words, they have to proves practically, and not only speak.

    -HAK continues struggling by constitutional means. Will not it be a
    long struggle? Will not it annoy people?

    -We are ready fore a long struggle, we have no problem.

    -What do you mean by saying long? Will it last until the following
    presidential election?

    -No, no, no, we are going to do everything possible for a quick
    extraordinary presidential election. This is already a political
    question; this is a program. But we do not want to deceive our people
    and make them hope for very quick solutions, the struggle is not
    ruled out to last for months and years. I don't know but there are
    two or better to say three factors which influence on it, the first
    is the people's factor, the second is the governmental unprecedented
    mistakes and the third is the external challenges. All this promotes
    the extraordinary presidential election.

    -You assure that we will have an extraordinary presidential
    election. What if you will not manage to ensure them?

    -We voice our will, the will of the people. The presidential election
    is needed as the air and the water. It is needed for the state for
    the losses that we bear. I assure you that the emigration will enhance
    after this outrageous election.

    -They say that people are disappointed with both the government and the
    opposition. What do you think will the emigration enhance even more?

    -If there are people, who are disappointed with the opposition, is
    because of the lack of active aggressive steps. People demand more
    from the opposition and very often, they demands abrupt steps.

    -If the election corresponded to the democratic measurements, what
    place would the HAK get?

    -Of course, the first. This was the most expensive election ever. The
    Republican Party spent a lot of money for each ballot.

    -Would you say the approximate amount of money?

    -100 dollars for each vote, including the asphalt work the city
    cleaning etc.