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Who Is To Answer?

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  • Who Is To Answer?


    11:23 am | June 15, 2009 | Politics

    MCC Board of Directors Meets to Address U.S. Government Global
    Development Priorities

    Partial termination of assistance to Nicaragua announced

    Hold on funding for Armenia to remain in force

    Washington D.C - The U.S. Government's Millennium Challenge Corporation
    (MCC) Board of Directors, chaired by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary
    Rodham Clinton, today held its quarterly meeting to discuss the
    progress of its poverty reduction programs worldwide.

    The Board received updates on engagement with those countries
    seeking MCC funding, including Moldova, Senegal, Jordan, Malawi,
    and the Philippines. Board discussions also included the compact
    development process for Colombia, Indonesia, and Zambia - three new
    countries selected by the Board last December as eligible for MCC
    compact assistance.

    The Board reviewed how MCC investments and programs around the
    world are helping address priority issues such as long-term economic
    growth, global food security, maternal and child health and safety,
    transportation infrastructure improvements, secure land tenure,
    and environmental protection.

    "MCC's commitment to performance-based foreign assistance is at the
    forefront of the U.S. Government's 'smart power' approach to create
    economic growth. Today's Board meeting makes it clear that these
    programs are having a significant, positive impact on the lives of
    the world's poor," said Acting MCC Chief Executive Officer Rodney Bent.

    The Board approved action to partially terminate MCC's compact
    assistance to Nicaragua for activities previously suspended in December
    2008. These activities include a property regularization project and
    a major road. The Board reiterated that its commitment to helping
    the people of Nicaragua reduce poverty through economic growth will
    continue through MCC assistance for a rural business development
    project benefiting small and medium agriculture-related enterprises,
    including some 30,000 people in rural areas. MCC also will complete
    three roads already under construction in the departments of Leon and
    Chinandega. The termination will result in a reduction of approximately
    $62 million from Nicaragua's original $175 million compact with MCC.

    "Although the Board would like to continue in full MCC's support for
    Nicaragua's economic development, we remain committed to upholding
    MCC's founding principles of working with those countries whose
    governments actively demonstrate a commitment to democracy and the
    rule of law, as well as economic freedom and social investment,"
    said Mr. Bent. "Given the lack of meaningful reforms or progress in
    these areas by the government of Nicaragua, the Board has agreed to
    terminate these projects."

    "This decision is made with deep disappointment, as our partnership
    with Nicaragua has yielded tremendous progress over the past years
    in reducing poverty through innovative economic growth projects.

    MCC regrets that the government of Nicaragua has not taken steps to
    respond to concerns expressed by its people and the international
    community surrounding the recent municipal elections. This has made
    it impossible for us to fully continue our collaboration with the
    government of Nicaragua," stated Mr. Bent.

    The Board also addressed the future of MCC engagement with Armenia.

    As a result of the meeting, MCC will not resume funding for any further
    road construction and rehabilitation. This hold on funding is a result
    of actions by the government of Armenia that are inconsistent with MCC
    principles promoting democratic governance. MCC's Board unanimously
    expressed regret that this action means that MCC will not be able to
    fully fund this project during the compact term.

    "MCC regrets that it cannot move forward with funding road construction
    in Armenia," Mr. Bent said. "The responsibility for this outcome
    remains with the government of Armenia, whose actions have been
    inconsistent with the eligibility criteria that are at the heart
    of the MCC program. It is particularly disappointing that MCC will
    not be able to partner with Armenia on completing the roads that
    will benefit Armenia's rural poor who are our friends and partners
    in creating growth for the future," continued Mr. Bent. "I do not
    anticipate that the Board will revisit this issue in the future."