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NKR: "Bridge Artsakh"

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  • NKR: "Bridge Artsakh"


    NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
    June 15, 2009

    On June 19-21, 2009, the economic forum "BRIDGE ARTSAKH" will take
    place in Stepanakert, capital of Nagorno Karabakh Republic. It will
    be conducted under the supreme patronage of the NKR President and by
    the support of the Republic's Government.

    The main topic of the forum is "State and Business: from Dialogue
    to Cooperation".

    Businessmen, Ministers, Executive officers from Artsakh and Armenia
    as well as representatives from Diaspora will gather in the office
    spaces of Nagorno Karabakh Republic. There will be an opportunity
    to discuss the modern problems, find possible ways of cooperation,
    exchange opinions, get familiarized with the perspectives of the
    region's development and opportunities of the investment policy,
    establish new business relations.

    "BRIDGE ARTSAKH" is mainly aimed at getting acquainted with the
    business and political circles of Armenia and foreign countries
    and with the social and economic potential of Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic. Because of this the forum has a densely operative schedule,
    it includes sectional and plenary sessions, round tables. The main
    report of the plenary session under the title "Investment Attraction
    of Artsakh" will be presented by the Artsakh Investment Fund.

    Round tables will be conducted on the following topics: Modern
    Business: problems and perspectives Financial instruments in favour
    of entrepreneurs Transportation system development as a precondition
    of efficient business Potentialities of the construction sphere under
    the conditions of the world crisis Modern problems of agriculture,
    development tendencies Business education in modern economic conditions
    Perspectives of in-tourism of Artsakh.

    The forum is organized by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
    of Armenia and the Centre of International Integration Support

    The official partner of the forum is Artsakh Investment Fund.