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Byzantine Hoard Found In Macedonia

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  • Byzantine Hoard Found In Macedonia

    By Richard Giedroyc
    http://www.numismaster.c om/ta/numis/Article.jsp?ad=article&ArticleId=6 790
    June 16 2009

    When you mention Macedonia to a coin collector, the collector likely
    thinks first of ancient Macedon, then perhaps the modern nation born
    from the fracturing of Yugoslavia as an afterthought.

    The region now known as Macedonia has been occupied by man just about
    since civilization began. As a result, coins of virtually every age
    are found at certain archaeological dig sites in this geographic area.

    It is the Tsarevi Kili or Carevi Kuli site near Strumica in eastern
    Macedonia which is of particular interest at the moment. According
    to several sources, a hoard of about 4,300 medieval coins of the
    Byzantine Empire dating from the 13th century has been found recently
    at this site.

    This isn't the first time coins have been found at Tsarevi Kili. In
    the past, coins have been found dating from ancient to modern times,
    including issues attributed to Philip II of Macedon prior to his son
    Alexander III's ("the Great") accession to the throne of the Greek
    city-state. Coins have also been discovered at this site dating from
    the first century B.C., the second half of the third century through
    the sixth century, the 10th and 11th centuries, the 12th through the
    15th century, and from both world wars fought during the 20th century.

    The current find is unusually large and dates primarily from the
    reign of Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Comnenus (who ruled from April 8,
    1143 to Sept. 24, 1180). The Byzantine Empire was the successor to
    the Roman Empire in the east and at the time was known as the Eastern
    Roman Empire.

    The current find was discovered in two ceramic bowls in a place that
    overlooks Strumica. Site archaeologist Zoran Rujak referred to the
    find as the "most important medieval finding so far," according to
    an April 27 Macedonian International News Agency news release.

    Rujak was quoted by the MINA as saying, "According to previous
    knowledge, it is about three types of coins forged under Manuel I
    Comnenus and subsequent emperors."

    The reign of Manuel I Comnenus was a high point in Byzantine
    history. Unfortunately, the end of his reign marked the rapid demise
    of the empire as well. It was during this reign that Western culture
    heavily influenced what was otherwise an Eastern nation. This was
    also the time of the Second Crusade. The crusaders were interested
    in capturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land, but the crusaders also had
    their eye on Constantinople, the capitol of the Byzantine Empire.

    Manuel was forced to devote much of his time to the threat coming from
    the crusaders. Due to this necessary diversion, Byzantine holdings in
    Greece, particularly the cities of Corinth and Thebes, were able to
    be successfully attacked by Roger II of Sicily. The failure of the
    Second Crusade allowed Manuel to attack Italy. At first Manuel was
    successful, but a counterattack drove his forces from what had been
    a key portion of the former Western Roman Empire.

    Manuel did have success elsewhere. He overthrew Armenian Prince Thoros,
    forcing the crusader states of Antioch and Jerusalem to recognize him
    as their lord. At the time, he was also successfully interfering in
    Hungarian and Serbian politics.

    Manuel's interference in Hungary and Serbia drew the wealthy Italian
    city-state of Venice into the conflict. In the mean time, the sultan
    of Iconium changed his allegiance from Manuel to Manuel's enemy German
    Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. This change of allegiance set events
    in motion that led to Manuel's disastrous defeat at the hands of the
    Turks at the Battle of Myriocephalon in 1176. Manuel never recovered
    politically from this defeat. He died four years later.

    Gold, electrum, billon, and copper coins were struck at Constantinople,
    Thessalonica, and at least at one uncertain Greek mint during this
    reign. The emperor typically appears on one side, with either the
    nimbate facing figure of Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary on the
    other. Details of the recent find were not available in time for
    this article.

    Manuel was succeeded by his 12-year old son Alexius Comnenus. Following
    political intrigues, Alexius II was executed by a cousin who usurped
    the throne only three years later. There are no coins known that can
    be attributed to the short reign of Alexius II.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress