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BAKU: Caucasus Muslims Clerical Office Head Proposes To Establish Ad

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  • BAKU: Caucasus Muslims Clerical Office Head Proposes To Establish Ad


    Today.Az s/53190.html
    June 17 2009

    Caucasus Muslims Clerical Office head Sheik-ul-Islam Allahshukur
    Pashazade proposed to establish advisory council of the CIS Muslims.

    "I propose to establish an advisory council of CIS Muslim, which will
    include distinguished muftis and religious, scientific and cultural
    figures and hold annual meetings of that body," Pashazade said in
    Moscow on June 17. "I think, a meeting of religious leaders of the
    CIS Muslim Ummah will allow us to discuss current religious issues
    related to the life of the Ummah, and most importantly to solve
    them. This would be invaluable step in coordinating our efforts."

    Muslim leaders of CIS member states held an international
    scientific-practical conference "The CIS Muslims for Inter-religious
    and in$ter-ethnic Harmony." The conference was held at the initiative
    of the Supreme Council of Muslims of the Caucasus and International
    Islamic Mission. The conference is attended by 40 Muslim religious
    leaders from the eight member countries of CIS, as well as the heads
    of Russia's traditional faiths.

    The greetings by the Russian and Azerbaijani Presidents Dmitry
    Medvedev and Ilham Aliyev were read out at the conference. The
    keynote address was made by co-chairman of the Chairman of the CIS
    Inter-religious Council of Muslims of the Caucasus Sheikh ul-Islam
    Allahshukur Pashazade.

    He said this is the first meeting at such a high level and in such
    a large scale for the last 18 years.

    Sheikh Pashazade paid tribute to the Patriarch of Moscow and All
    Russia Alexy II, who did much to preserve inter-confessional relations.

    "The CIS area is home to Muslims who were not citizens of any
    state. Good relations between the peoples of the CIS this is an
    important historical treasure," he said.

    He said CIS religious leaders strongly oppose the forces that infringe
    on territorial integrity, security and stability of States. "I deeply
    convinced that we can effectively repulse a solid spiritual treacherous
    aggression of the CIS area only by uniting efforts of our State and
    religious organizations," Pashazade said.

    Religious leaders of the CIS are concerned that in different regions
    of the world there are attempts to introduce Muslim as extremists and
    fundamentalists. Essence of Islam is maliciously distorted. Islam is
    a religion of peace that abhors terrorism and extremism in all its
    manifestations, he said.

    Pashazadeh mentioned the Karabakh problem. "We pray to God that the
    heads of Azerbaijan and Armenia, patiently overcoming all difficulties
    and contradictions, have reached a mutually acceptable solution,"
    he said.

    Pashazade said he is confident that meetings such as today's will not
    only strengthen the existing spiritual connection, but also deepen
    and broaden the benefit of the entire Ummah.