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Syria Ready To Promote The Normalization Of Armenia-Turkey Relations

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  • Syria Ready To Promote The Normalization Of Armenia-Turkey Relations

    Karen Ghazaryan

    17.06.2009 18:00

    "Syria is a second Motherland for Armenians," the late President
    of Syria, Hafes Al-Assad said during his trip to Soviet Armenia 30
    years ago.

    The new President of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad, confirmed his father's
    words in 30 years.

    Bashar Al-Assad has arrived in Armenia today on an official visit
    at the invitation of the President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan. The
    Presidents of the two countries had a face-to-face meeting, followed
    by consultations in an extended format.

    Henceforth Armenia and Syria will cooperate more closely, especially
    within international organizations, the two Presidents said at a
    joint press conference today.

    "In an atmosphere of sincere and full understanding we discussed issues
    related to bilateral cooperation, as well as a number of regional
    and international questions," Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said.

    Turning to the recent developments in the Armenian-Turkish relations,
    the President of Syria said Syria had very close relations with Turkey
    and was ready to enhance the progressing of the Armenian-Turkish ties.

    Bashar Al-Assad informed that he had asked his Armenian counterpart
    to present the latest developments in the settlement of the Karabakh

    "This issue is a very complex one, but taking into consideration our
    experience in=2 0the Middle East, we would not like it to get more
    complicated," the Syrian President stated. The latter was interested
    in learning the position of Armenia on the issue before his visit to
    Azerbaijan next month.

    The high-level talks between Armenia and Syria will continue. Bashar
    Assad today personally invited Serzh Sargsyan to pay an official
    visit to Syria.

    "I'd like to note that firm bases exist for cooperation in different
    spheres, and during our future meetings we must be able to move
    forward better and faster," he said.

    A number of documents were signed today to promote the warming
    of Armenian-Syrian relations. President Assad noted that
    it was necessary to take serious steps to raise the level of
    trade-economic relations. In this regard, Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan noted: "Despite the existing problems, we have assumed to
    make efforts to solve the pivotal issues to promote the bilateral
    cooperation. Tomorrow's Armenian-Syrian economic forum will be of great
    importance in this sense. We have reached agreements on cooperation
    in the field of transport communication."