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ANCA: Rep. Laura Richardson to Cosponsor Armenian Genocide

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  • ANCA: Rep. Laura Richardson to Cosponsor Armenian Genocide

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel. (202) 775-1918
    Fax. (202) 775-5648
    Email. [email protected]


    June 17, 2009
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    Washington, DC - The Armenian National Committee of America has
    learned that Congresswoman Laura Richardson (CA-37) has cosponsored
    the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H. Res. 252). The bill currently
    has over 125 cosponsors in the United States House of

    "I am proud to co-sponsor H. Res. 252, the "Affirmation of the
    United States Record on the Armenian Genocide Resolution," Rep.
    Richardson told the ANCA. "April 24 marked the 94th anniversary of
    one of the darkest and saddest chapters in human history, the mass
    deportations and massacre of 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman
    Empire during the years 1915-1923. The systematic killing of
    innocent Armenian civilians by the Turks was an unprecedented act
    of cruelty and barbarism and is, with the exception of the
    Holocaust, perhaps the ultimate example of man's inhumanity to man.
    There is only one word that adequately describes this kind of evil
    and that word is 'genocide.' And we dare not be afraid to speak its

    Richardson continued to note that "The International Association of
    Genocide Scholars and nearly all credible agree that Armenians were
    the victims of the first genocide of the 20th century. But for more
    than 90 years Turkey has refused to acknowledge this crime against
    humanity. And to their credit, Armenian-Americans have worked
    tirelessly to ensure that the world never forgets what happened
    during his dark moment in world history. Passage of the H.R. 252
    will ensure that the Armenian Genocide will never be forgotten by
    the Congress, and thus the people, of the United States. I will
    continue to work with my colleagues to pass this important and long
    overdue resolution and will not rest until it does."

    Congresswoman Laura Richardson replaced former Congresswoman
    Juanita Millender-McDonald, a strong supporter of issues of concern
    to Armenian Americans until her passing on April 22, 2007.
    Richardson prevailed in a Special Election that took place August
    21, 2007 and won re-election in 2008.

    The Armenian American community of the South Bay has had a long and
    productive relationship with the Congresswoman, dating back to her
    days as a Long Beach City Councilmember. In 2006, Richardson was
    elected to represent California's 55th State Assembly District
    which includes the cities of Carson, Harbor City, Lakewood, Long
    Beach and Wilmington.

    "I am very proud that the Armenian American community's longtime
    friend and ally - Rep. Richardson - has again cosponsored the
    Armenian Genocide resolution," said Armenian community activist
    Armand Aghakhanian, who met with Richardson last week.
    "Increased Congressional support for this vital human rights
    measure not only honors the memory of the innocent men, women, and
    children killed during the Genocide, but demonstrates American will
    to end the cycle of genocide."

    Richardson earned her Bachelor Degree in Political Science from the
    University of California, Los Angeles in 1984. In 1987, she joined
    Xerox Corporation where she gained significant business experience
    in a Fortune 40 company. Richardson received her Masters Degree in
    Business Administration in 1996 from the University of Southern
    California. She considers her studies abroad in Hong Kong,
    Beijing, and Shanghai as critical learning experiences.