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ANKARA: OSCE Urges Turkey To Stop Prosecution Of Journalist Sener

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  • ANKARA: OSCE Urges Turkey To Stop Prosecution Of Journalist Sener


    BIA Magazine
    June 19 2009

    Haraszti, media freedom representative of the OSCE, has urged Turkey to
    drop the case against journalist Sener and to reform laws restricting
    freedom of expression.

    Miklos Haraszti, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media,
    asked Turkish authorities yesterday (18 June) to drop charges against
    journalist Nedim Sener for his investigative book on the murder of
    fellow journalist Hrant Dink, and called for urgent reform of laws
    that restrict freedom of expression.

    Letter to Foreign Minister Sener is prosecuted in defiance of freedoms
    that both OSCE commitments and Council of Europe standards grant to
    critical publications," wrote Haraszti in a letter to Foreign Minister
    Ahmet Davutoglu. "What he did was critically assess the events leading
    up to Hrant Dink's murder, and the deficiencies afterwards in the
    handling of the case and in the prosecution of the perpetrators."

    "Justice must not be degraded into an act of revenge by the criticized
    authorities," said Haraszti.

    Sener, a journalist for newspaper Milliyet, faces up to 28 years
    of imprisonment for writing a book, entitled The Dink Murder and
    Intelligence Lies. The book alleges that security forces failed to
    stop the murder of the well-known Turkish-Armenian writer in 2007,
    and cites alleged incidents of negligence by gendarmerie, police and
    national intelligence officers working on the case.

    "Media freedom commitments may be complied with only if fact-finding
    journalism receives the full backing of the law, and inaccuracies, if
    any have occurred, are not criminalized," wrote Haraszti in the letter.

    Legislation must be modernised "There exist legal provisions in Turkey
    that could be misused to curb freedom of expression and information,"
    he added. "The Criminal Code, the Press Law, the Anti-Terrorism Law,
    and the recent Law No. 5651 on Internet regulation all need to be
    modernized so that they cannot be used to restrict speech rights."

    "By dropping the charges against Sener, Turkey could now stop punishing
    the messengers of unwelcome news, and instead carry out much-needed
    legal reform to ensure freedom of expression."

    Hrant Dink had publicly discussed the killing of Armenians in 1915
    in terms that went against the official Turkish interpretations of
    history. For this, he was convicted in 2005 based on Article 301 of
    the Criminal Code, "denigrating Turkishness', and murdered in January
    2007 by radical activists. The trial of the persons accused in his
    murder still continues. (OSCE/AG)

    * This press release was taken from the OSCE website. Sub-headings
    were added by bianet.