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Armenian Trade Balance Remains Deep Through May As Exports Dive

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  • Armenian Trade Balance Remains Deep Through May As Exports Dive

    Venla Sipila

    World Markets Research Centre
    Global Insight
    June 22 2009

    Armenia's external trade gap remains worryingly deep. Indeed, according
    to the latest customs-based figures published by the country's National
    Statistics Committee quoted by ARKA News, exports from Armenia during
    January-May plunged by 47.8% in annual comparison, amounting to 76.4
    billion dram ($208US million). Over the same period, imports totalled
    374.8 billion dram, falling by just under 30% year-on-year (y/y) and
    bringing the trade deficit for the first five months of the year to
    298.4 billion dram. In particular, May saw exports falling by 15%
    in month-on-month (m/m) terms, while imports decreased by 16.2%
    from April.

    Significance:As the continued sharp contraction in exports is
    accompanied by an increasingly sharp fall in imports, deterioration
    of Armenia's eternal trade balance has started to decelerate. Then
    again, at around 35% of the estimated GDO, the trade gap remains
    deep enough to signal marked external financial vulnerability. The
    trade deficit is translating further to a deep current-account gap,
    the financing of which with non-debt-creating means is challenging in
    the current international environment with still tight liquidity and
    weak growth. Financial stress is also greatly exacerbated by the fact
    that remittance inflows, especially from Russia, have clearly fallen,
    as the Russian economy is also struggling with a deep downturn. Then
    again, Armenia's external risks stemming from the depth of the
    external financing gap are mitigated by the fact that its access to
    concessionary financing remains relatively good, as demonstrated by
    its recently approved International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan facility
    (seeArmenia: 9 March 2009: ). However, the country still remains in
    urgent need of additional financing, and has applied for additional
    foreign loans (seeArmenia: 21 May 2009: ).