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Armenian January-May GDP Suffers Sharp Drop

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  • Armenian January-May GDP Suffers Sharp Drop

    Venla Sipila

    World Markets Research Centre
    Global Insight
    June 22 2009

    The downturn of the Armenian economy is deepening. Indeed, according
    to the latest national accounts data from the National Statistics
    Service quoted by Reuters, Armenia's GDP over the January-May period
    contracted by no less than 15.7% year-on-year (y/y). Coming after
    falls of 9.7% y/y during January-April and 6.1% y/y in the first
    quarter, this result marks further acceleration in the annual rate
    of output decrease. Moreover, it also compares unfavourably with the
    growth rate of 9.8% seen in the first five months of last year. ARKA
    News reports that, in May alone, however, GDP increased by 15.6%
    from April. For last year as a whole, the economy expanded by 6.8%,
    with easing of growth momentum becoming increasingly clear towards
    the end of the year (seeArmenia: 23 January 2009:). This followed
    several years of double-digit growth.

    Significance:The latest figures confirm that the Armenian economy is
    in the grip of a sharp downturn, and this year as a whole is expected
    to see GDP fall clearly. Sector-specific data testify to broad-based
    weakness, with the construction, industrial and agricultural sector
    all contracting considerably. The official government forecast
    specified in the budget still projects an annual growth rate of
    9.2% - a forecast that is clearly too optimistic. Instead, the
    Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) recently has cut its own projection
    to show a fall of 5.8% in 2009 GDP, whereas a contraction of 3.0%
    was foreseen previously. The Armenian economy is currently suffering
    from unfavourable terms-of-trade developments, and most of all, from
    the sharp drop in remittance and investment inflows from abroad,
    due to the current global economic downturn.