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IMF Completes First Review Under Stand-By Arrangement With Armenia A

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  • IMF Completes First Review Under Stand-By Arrangement With Armenia A


    States News Service
    June 22, 2009 Monday

    The following information was released by the International Monetary

    The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) today
    completed the first review of Armenia's economic performance under
    a Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) and approved an increase in the IMF's
    financial support to an amount equivalent to SDR 533.6 million
    (about $822US.7 million; or 580 percent of Armenia's quota). These
    decisions enable the immediate release of SDR 102.7 million (about
    $158US.3 million), bringing the total disbursed to SDR 264.2 million
    (about $400US million). The Board also granted a waiver of performance
    criteria on net banking system credit to the government and the
    program's fiscal balance.

    The revised arrangement will support the government's economic
    program amid a sharper-than-expected impact from the global financial
    crisis. The 28-month SBA was approved on March 6 (see Press Release

    The key objectives of the program are to help Armenia adjust to the
    external shock, maintain confidence in the currency and the financial
    system, and protect the poor. The sharp contraction in economic
    activity, the fall in remittances, an increase in unemployment,
    and difficult conditions in credit markets require an easing of
    macroeconomic policies and the implementation of several measures to
    stimulate domestic demand and create new jobs.

    The main policies under the revised program are:

    Monetary conditions will be eased, including by widening the range
    of central bank instruments to provide longer-term dram liquidity
    to banks, and by increasing targeted on-lending to small and medium

    Fiscal policy will also be eased. Despite the fall in fiscal revenue,
    the government will aim to maintain its overall expenditure at a
    level close to the original 2009 budget, protecting social spending
    while increasing expenditure on high-priority infrastructure projects,
    financed in large part by bilateral donors.

    Reforms will focus in particular on the continued strengthening of
    financial sector supervision and improving tax administration.

    Social safety nets will be enhanced by targeting social services to
    the poor.

    Following the Executive Board's discussion on Armenia, Mr. Murilo
    Portugal, Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair, stated:
    Since the approval of the stand-by arrangement in March 2009,
    the external economic outlook has deteriorated significantly
    for Armenia. Falling private transfers and capital inflows have
    aggravated external imbalances and affected household incomes and
    investor confidence. Construction activity, the main driver of growth
    in previous years, has collapsed, and the economy is experiencing a
    deep contraction.

    The additional financial assistance from the Fund will help cover
    Armenia's growing financing needs, while the recalibration of the
    authorities' economic program will help them better respond to the
    deepening downturn. The program envisages an easing of monetary and
    fiscal policy to mitigate the severity of the crisis, while laying
    the ground for future fiscal consolidation primarily through one-off
    investment expenditures and measures to strengthen tax policy and
    administration. The authorities remain firmly committed to achieving
    the program's objectives of adjusting to the changed external
    environment, supporting confidence in the currency and the banking
    system, and protecting the poor.

    Following the successful return to a flexible exchange rate, monetary
    policy will focus on maintaining low inflation. With the fall in
    inflation rates, the recent reductions of policy interest rates are
    appropriate. In addition, the authorities are taking active measures to
    provide liquidity to the banking system and help resume lending. Fiscal
    policy will provide crucial support by accelerating growth-enhancing
    investment in infrastructure and strengthening social safety nets.

    As external conditions improve in 2010, growth is expected to
    resume gradually. The short-term outlook remains, however, very
    challenging. Continued reforms will be necessary to boost the
    medium-term growth potential of the economy, including efforts to
    improve the business climate, completion of the unfinished tax policy
    and tax administration reform agenda, and progress on financial
    sector reforms.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress