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NKR: Economic Forum - Intergovernmental Cooperation

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  • NKR: Economic Forum - Intergovernmental Cooperation


    NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
    June 22, 2009

    >From June 20-21, an economic forum "Bridge Artsakh" ("Artsakh Kamurj")
    under the high patronage of the NKR President and the assistance
    of the Government took place. The opening ceremony of the forum was
    conducted in Stepanakert Officers' House, where before thousands of
    Artsakhi, Armenian and foreign businessmen spoke with the welcoming
    address the NKR President Bako Sahakyan, the Head of the official
    delegation from the RA, the Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, and Arsen
    Ghazaryan Chairman of the RA Union of Industrialists (employers) and
    Businessmen. Karen Yesayan, Chairman of Artsakh Investment Fund had a
    speech about the economic environment of the NKR. The first speeches
    contained practical proposals a part of which received immediate
    responses. The RA Prime Minister T.Sargsyan, in particular, stated
    that the RA Government can render direct assistance to development
    of Artsakh tourism sphere, providing the holiday rest of the RA
    state employees in the NKR. According to T. Sargsyan's words economic
    development of Artsakh in comparison with that in Armenia must proceed
    in more quick rate, here higher living standards for the population
    than in the RA must be provided, as by the favourable state of Artsakh
    the main interest of the Armenian people is pursued.

    "State and Business: from Dialogue to Cooperation" was the main issue
    of the economic forum. After the plenary sitting the businessmen had
    conducted round table discussions on different themes.

    On June 20, within the frame of the forum the NKR Prime Minister Ara
    Haroutyunyan and the RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan had a private
    talk, during which issues of socio-economic development indices of
    Artsakh and strengthening of ties between the two Armenian countries
    were touched upon.

    Welcoming the guests, the NKR Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan noted
    that in difficult conditions of the existent financial and economic
    crisis the many-sided assistance of Armenia to Artsakh is maintained
    and nearly all agreements reached between the two governments are
    successfully implemented.

    In this connection A.Haroutyunyan addressed words of gratitude
    to T.Sargsyan for his consecutive efforts. During the meeting,
    the representatives of the RA Executive introduced the programmes,
    which are implemented together with colleagues from Artsakh.

    The same day the RA delegation was received by the NKR President
    B.Sahakyan as well.