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Armenia, Georgia Tied By Centuries-Old Friendship

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  • Armenia, Georgia Tied By Centuries-Old Friendship

    Alisa Gevorgyan

    25.06.2009 11:10

    "Short ago we have concluded negotiations with the President of
    Georgia and his delegation. We've discussed a wide range of bilateral
    relations, exchanged views on pressing regional and international
    issues. The two sides underlined that our relations are on a high
    level," Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said at a joint press
    conference with his Georgian counterpart Mikhail Saakashvili.

    "Few peoples in the world can take pride in deep, lasting, and friendly
    relations such as those between the Armenian and Georgian people. It
    would be redundant to speak about the importance of our countries
    for each other for security, policy, economy, culture or any other
    matter. And I am confident, that one of the main concerns of the
    Presidents and the governments of our two states should be elevating
    the level of interstate relations to that of the centuries-long
    relations of our peoples. I should say that during our meeting with
    President Sahakashvili I got the impression, or I would rather say,
    I am confident that he shares this approach for which I am truly glad,"
    President Sargsyan said.

    According to Serzh Sargsyan, special attention was paid to regional
    security issues. "The Armenian side has said it before on many
    occasions and continues to believe that all exciting problems should=2
    0be solved exclusively through a dialogue, through shared confidence,
    mutual respect and cooperation in the region. We welcome any step
    toward the creation of the favorable atmosphere in the region. In
    the context of bilateral relations, we have paid special attention
    to the deepening of economic cooperation and implementation of joint
    projects. We hope that it will assist in mitigating the consequences
    of the global financial and economic crisis for Armenia and Georgia,"
    President Sargsyan noted.

    Armenia attaches great importance to the transportation routes via
    Georgia which are of significant importance for our economy. With
    this regard President Sargsyan expressed Armenia's interest in the
    expeditious reopening of the checkpoint on the Georgian-Russian border.

    With regard to the issue Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili said:
    "We are ready to negotiate the issue with Switzerland, which acts as
    mediator between Georgia and Russia. Several kilometers of the highway
    are damaged, and we have started the reconstruction works. If we see
    that Russia is ready to open its part of the road, we will also open
    our part."

    During the tête-a-tête meeting President Sargsyan informed his
    Georgian counterpart about the current stage of the Karabakh
    peace process, as well as the prospects for normalization of
    the Armenian-Turkish relations and Armenia's approaches on that
    issue. "Our approach is clea r-cut: the relations must be normalized
    without preconditions. Despite the existing problems the countries
    of the region should find common ground for cooperation."

    According to Serzh Sargsyan, Armenia is interested in having Georgia as
    a peaceful, stable and prosperous neighbor with which we not only have
    a common past but also a common future and this visit is an important
    step toward strengthening and deepening traditionally friendly
    relations and cooperation between our two peoples and two states.