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The Promise Of Visionary Pragmatism

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  • The Promise Of Visionary Pragmatism

    by Elin Suleyamnov

    Huffington Post /the-promise-of-visionary_b_221713.html
    June 26 2009

    When Israeli President Shimon Peres visits Azerbaijan in late June
    this year, it will be exactly one month from the May 28 Azerbaijan
    Republic Day celebrations. This bears an almost inescapable symbolism
    as Azerbaijan's national day marked the 91st anniversary of the
    establishment of the first parliamentary democracy with the majority
    Muslim population in the world in 1918, the Azerbaijan Democratic
    Republic. Incidentally, the short-lived Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
    managed, before being invaded by the Russian Bolsheviks, to grant
    equal rights to all citizens regardless of their ethnicity, religion
    and gender, rushing ahead of the United States on women suffrage.

    Located at the global cultural crossroads of the Caucasus,
    Azerbaijan stands in a clear defiance of the "Clash of Civilizations"
    paradigm. Defying stereotypes is not an objective in itself for
    Azerbaijan; rather it is a result of pragmatic, non-ideological
    policies. In the area as diverse as the Caucasus (Azerbaijan itself
    is home to a mix of cultural, religious and ethnic groups, including
    a 2,500-year-old indigenous Sephardic Jewish community), tolerance
    and inclusiveness are necessary pre-requisites for development
    and success. Therefore, Azerbaijan simply follows its national
    interest, though some Azerbaijanis clearly enjoy the notion of broken

    While Azerbaijan's location at the heart of the ancient Silk Road
    is an accident of history and geography, the precedent set by the
    Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918 demonstrates that the nation's
    vision of pragmatism is not accidental. This points' to the tradition
    of generally open and moderate predominantly Muslim societies of the
    Caucasus and Central Asia. Contrary to another myth, the "Muslim world"
    is as diverse as any other "world" and consists of a rich mosaic of
    cultures and sovereign nations. For instance, there are overlapping
    concerns on which majority of Muslims would agree, yet they are
    also numerous other concerns on which Muslims would, naturally,
    disagree with each other and agree with some others. For instance,
    Azerbaijan often disagrees with neighboring Iran, clearly so in the
    case of the Mr. Peres' visit, yet agrees on an overwhelming majority of
    issues with its Orthodox Christian neighbor Georgia. Another glaring
    illustration of the complexity of the region is another neighbor's,
    Christian Armenia's, close ties to Iran.

    President Obama's brilliant speech in Cairo was welcomed by numerous
    Muslims and others. It presented a more approachable and considerate
    United States, a departure from another, this time an anti-American,
    stereotype often perpetuated outside US. Still, the speech seems to
    have been addressed to the Middle East rather than to all Muslims
    around the world. This is not to say that resolving the problems of
    the Middle East is not a high priority, quite to the contrary, this
    is a central global challenge, which warrants an energetic search
    for a solution. Moreover, one can be confident that a vast majority
    of Muslims and non-Muslims around the world would be relieved to see
    tangible progress towards a lasting peace in the Middle East.

    Yet, looking at a diverse international community spanning
    different continents from the prism of a single issue may be
    simply misleading. Perhaps, building partnerships based on pragmatic
    assessment of national interests and addressing specific issues based
    on their individual merits could be a more productive approach. Helping
    to resolve the explosive Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict and return of
    the Armenian occupied Azerbaijani territories based on fundamentals
    of international law and acting as an objective, honest broker
    can reassure America's friends and reinvigorate its international
    standing. Reaching out more actively to the moderate nations of the
    Caucasus and Central Asia opens great opportunities and can set an
    example of mutually beneficial relations. Such opportunities shouldn't
    be missed as they both serve the national interests of the United
    States and its regional partners and enhance global stability.

    One example of regional success, in which Azerbaijan played a key
    role, has been developing of the Caspian energy infrastructure
    and the East-West energy corridor. With the strong support of the
    United States, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey in partnership with
    international energy companies have built the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil
    and the South Caucasus natural gas pipeline. These pipelines don't
    only deliver Caspian oil to a Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, by-passing
    the ecologically vulnerable Turkish Straits and the bottleneck of the
    Persian Gulf, they also, for the first time, link allow for direct
    deliveries of the Caspian natural gas to the European Union. And
    the benefits of these projects expand beyond energy as they provide
    a backbone for the restoration of the once-vibrant ancient Silk Road
    and promote regional cooperation. Exchange of ideas and strengthening
    of links along the Caucasus-Central Asia East West corridor is vital
    for a meaningful integration of this strategically important region
    with the rest of world.

    An encouraging recognition of these linkages came recently from
    President Obama in the letter to his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham
    Aliyev. Having sent the veteran Clinton-era expert on the Caspian,
    Special Envoy Richard Morningstar to the annual oil and gas show
    in Baku at the beginning of June, Mr. Obama asked him to deliver
    the message to President Aliyev, which described Azerbaijan as
    "an important and reliable supplier of energy to world markets" and
    an example of energy development resulting in "rapid progress and
    access to the best technology." The US President then highlighted the
    most important aspect of regional projects saying that they "increase
    regional prosperity and cooperation as well as global energy security,
    while also offering an invaluable opportunity to address the needs
    and aspirations of all Azerbaijani citizens."

    In his turn, speaking at the oil and gas show, President Aliyev
    reminded that the development of energy resources is just an instrument
    for promoting comprehensive development and investing in human
    capital. The recent history of Azerbaijan's successful cooperation
    with the United States and regional partners has demonstrated the
    Caspian's potential. Moreover, as the global importance of natural
    gas as a cleaner hydrocarbon is increasing and the challenge of energy
    security is assuming greater urgency, so grows the importance of the
    Caspian resources in contributing to diversity of energy supplies.

    Should Washington elaborate and act on Mr. Obama's recent message to
    President Aliyev, the United States can help to fully realize the
    region's awesome promise. Such a progress would make many mutual
    stereotypes and 'clashes" somewhat obsolete. After all, just as
    Azerbaijan's pragmatism, the upcoming regional itinerary of President
    Peres, an experienced seasoned politician, is hardly accidental.

    Elin Suleymanov is Consul General of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles. For
    more information please visit