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ANKARA: Davutoglu, The Architect, Miserably Fails To Deliver

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  • ANKARA: Davutoglu, The Architect, Miserably Fails To Deliver


    June 27 2009

    Ahmet Davutoglu has been a forceful architect of Turkish foreign
    affairs as the top adviser to the prime minister since the first
    Justice and Development Party, or AKP, administration up until
    recently. With a PhD degree in his pocket and as the author of
    Strategic Depth, a book that has come to be known by the experts
    as a total sum of sense making and friendly policies for the
    immediate neighboring countries of Turkey, he has been a rising
    star for years. His role in the Armenian rapprochement, as well as
    diplomatic facilitator between Syria and Israel, and also his vision
    and familiarity with the wider region has been a great asset for
    Turkey. His many policies have benefited Turkey on many fronts. In
    brief, many thought that Davutoglu has been on the way of becoming
    a statesman that Turkey has been longing for some time.

    Up until two months ago, Davutoglu was still kind of a
    behind-the-scenes man to fix and power the Turkish foreign affairs in
    recasting Turkey's role in the multidimensional political arena. Thus,
    many unbiased observers were happy without much reservation when
    Davutoglu was appointed the new foreign minister at the beginning
    of May. Amid high expectations, he started his new post and with
    the same speed, he delved into the first crucial foreign relations
    test to prove that he indeed will live up to the expectations. Many,
    including myself, hoped that he was going to end the period of cheap
    shots and will bring our country to the same level of first class
    democratic nations.

    There is no need to make the story longer. Davutoglu failed to deliver
    miserably. To begin with, he let Turkey congratulate hurriedly Iran's
    Ahmadinejad as one of the first to do so, and subsequently backed up
    his stance. While the respected leaders of the world were releasing
    statements and giving press conferences to let people know how sorry
    they were with the shameful episode the people of Iran have been
    going through, Turkey, on the other hand, busied itself to support the
    merciless regime against its own people. I was curious to learn which
    other countries besides ours rushed to convey their good wishes to
    Ahmadinejad. The official Web site of the government of Iran informs
    us that, possibly according to calling order, the following list of
    countries cheered Ahmadinejad's reelection (!): Afghanistan, Turkey,
    Venezuela, China, Russia and Syria. Oh, and the leader of Hamas and
    a few "other" countries of kings and dictators. If nothing else,
    this list alone tells us and provides enough evidence to show in
    which and whose pattern our foreign official's mind works.

    Notwithstanding that I still wanted to see and read what is the
    reasoning behind Davutoglu's hurry and subsequent backing of Iran's
    Islamic regime, I must say that in my view it is a plain disgrace for
    Turkey and the people of Turkey. I thought after all Davutoglu was a
    "deep" academic and might have some profound comprehension beyond
    our imagination. According to the interview Der Spiegel conducted
    with him this week, his reasoning is as follows: "It was politically
    important for the elections in Iran to have taken place dynamically
    and in competition among multiple candidates. When it came to the
    post-election discussions, [Davutoglu] underlined that this is an
    internal matter for Iran, adding that they hoped for a strong base on
    which the security of the people of Iran can be achieved." Internal
    affairs of other countries, so Davutoglu says while describing the
    events that are taking place in Iran after the elections, much like
    Russia's, China's and others' congratulating letters to Iran. On the
    other hand, the American media mocked Turkey as a "friend of Mahmoud"
    and sadly describes us as a kind of low life country with the other
    countries mentioned above, that only looks after its own interests. It
    is true; each country pursues its own interests in the international
    arena; however, values and notions exist that reflect a country's
    stand within the international community. In other words, once the
    human factor is weighed, modern states tend to restrain themselves
    in many ways. Ours did not bother to do so.

    This miscalculated congratulation of and embracing Iran's rulers is a
    "deep" blow for Turkey's image. It seems that Turkey somehow cannot
    go beyond this narrow-mindedness. In the past, Turkey failed to cope
    with its center parties' corruption practices and always with its
    never-changing opposition leaders. Either the nationalistic parties
    of the country corner Turkey and don't let Turkey open its arms to
    all of its people, or the ultranationalists stroke it with their
    endless gangs and scenarios. Though now, with the AKP, Turkey is
    going through another kind of disappointment. And the list does not
    end there. Turkey needs a new generation of statesmen. Davutoglu and
    his party's miscalculated reading of the occurrences will cost the
    people of Turkey so dearly and will be felt for years to come. The
    real statesman should be able to on the right side of the history, or
    with the people who are on the right side of the history. Davutoglu
    misses both and chooses to gain some near term benefits in expense
    of bigger and longer ones. Davutoglu could have taken care of this
    business if he wanted to do so. With doing so, he and Turkey would
    have won so many hearts and minds in the international arena and in
    the West. But again, maybe the target was a different kind of audience.

    Davutoglu, the architect, starts to build the foundation of his legacy
    as a foreign minister on misread previsions and shallow seas, which
    are the direct opposite attributions of his perceived image. People of
    Turkey, who also watch what happened in Iran, will have grasped how
    their administration hugs the crushers of innocent people. The AKP
    will pay the cost of this misery. Alas, along the way, Turkey as well.

    * İlhan Tanır lives and works in Washington, D.C. His

    blog is at