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Hariri named Lebanon PM

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  • Hariri named Lebanon PM

    Agence France Presse
    June 27 2009

    Hariri named Lebanon PM
    By Natacha Yazbeck ` 8 hours ago

    BEIRUT (AFP) ' Saad Hariri, son of slain billionaire ex-premier Rafiq
    Hariri, pledged to form a cabinet that would unite rival political
    camps after he was named Lebanon's new prime minister on Saturday.

    "We will begin consultations with all parliamentary blocs based on our
    commitment to a national unity government in which all main blocs are
    represented and which is harmonious, functional, and free of
    obstruction and paralysis," Hariri said.

    Under the current unity government, headed by Fuad Siniora, militant
    group Hezbollah and its allies have veto power over major decisions.

    The government was formed in May 2008, ending a political crisis that
    had brought Lebanon to the brink of civil war.

    The crisis left more than 100 people dead and was defused following a
    Qatari-brokered deal that led to the election of army commander Michel
    Sleiman as president and the formation of a unity government.

    But Siniora, elected to parliament in a general election three weeks
    ago, was unable to form a cabinet that satisfied Lebanon's feuding
    political camps until July 2008.

    While Hezbollah and its allies want to maintain the status quo in the
    new cabinet, Hariri said ahead of his nomination that he would only
    accept another unity government if the Hezbollah alliance surrenders
    its veto powers.

    The Lebanese government was effectively paralysed in November 2006
    when five Shiite ministers backed by Hezbollah and and its ally Amal
    resigned, leaving the community unrepresented in government.

    Pro-Syrian speaker Nabih Berri, who heads Amal and was re-elected to a
    fifth consecutive term on Thursday, refused to convene parliament for
    18 months as he said the government was illegitimate and

    Hariri's US-backed March 14 alliance won 71 of parliament's 128 seats
    in the June 7 election while the rival March 8 alliance, led by
    Hezbollah and backed by Syria and Iran, secured 57.

    Hariri was nominated for the premiership by 86 of Lebanon's 128 MPs --
    the 71 from his own majority alliance, plus Berri and his bloc of 12
    MPs and two Armenians, the various groups said.

    Berri's allies in the Hezbollah-led alliance, including retired
    general Michel Aoun's Christian bloc, said they abstained from naming
    anyone for the top post, reserved for a Sunni Muslim under Lebanon's
    complex system of sectarian power-sharing.

    Hariri now faces the task of forming a cabinet that satisfies both his
    allies and rivals.

    Berri said he had nominated Hariri on condition he form another unity

    "I would like to see a government in which March 14 and March 8 are
    melded together," Berri told AFP.

    On Thursday, Hariri and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah met for the
    first time since October to discuss the composition of the new

    "Designating a prime minister and agreeing on the shape of the cabinet
    are inseparable parts of the same task," Hezbollah deputy chief Sheikh
    Naim Qassem told AFP.

    Hariri, who heads the Sunni Future Movement, had urged his supporters
    to refrain from celebratory gunfire after his expected nomination but
    the news was greeted by fireworks across parts of the capital Beirut.

    The prime minister-designate is a business graduate of Georgetown
    University in Washington and heads his late father's Saudi-based
    construction firm, Saudi Oger. One of the largest companies in the
    Middle East, it employs around 35,000 people.

    Hariri's father, Rafiq, a billionaire who served five times as prime
    minister, was assassinated by a truck bomb in Beirut in 2005.

    The killing, which was widely blamed on former power-broker Syria,
    sparked mass protests and eventually forced the withdrawal of Syrian
    troops from Lebanon after a 29-year presence.

    Damascus has roundly denied the accusations and a UN tribunal set up
    to try the case has still not charged anyone with the crime.