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Israel attempts to stop S-300 air defense supplies to Iran

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  • Israel attempts to stop S-300 air defense supplies to Iran

    Israel attempts to stop S-300 air defense supplies to Iran

    MOSCOW, June 29 (RIA Novosti) - Israel has intensified its efforts to
    prevent deliveries of Russian S-300 air defense systems to Iran under
    a 2007 contract, an Israeli newspaper said on Monday.
    According to the Haaretz daily, "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
    called his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and asked him to prevent
    the arms deal from going through."
    Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak met a week ago at the Paris
    Airshow with Gen. Nikolai Makarov, chief of the General Staff of the
    Russian Armed Forces, and reportedly "asked that he also intervene to
    prevent the arms sale."
    Israel and the U.S. insist that the delivery of advanced air defense
    systems to Iran would undermine the military balance in the region,
    and Russia has until recently delayed the implementation of the deal.
    Although Russian sources said in March that Iran had not yet received
    any S-300 air defense systems and the deal relied on the leadership in
    Moscow, Russia had reiterated its commitment to fulfill the contract,
    which is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
    Haaretz said that during the visit of Foreign Minister Avigdor
    Lieberman to Moscow several weeks ago, Russian President Dmitry
    Medvedev told the Israeli official that some payments under the
    contract had already been made.
    Arms deliveries to Iran are also important to Russia because Moscow is
    quickly losing its positions on key Asian arms markets in China and
    In light of the recent developments and ahead of a meeting between
    U.S. President Barack Obama with his Russian counterpart next week,
    Israel has launched "intensive diplomatic order to
    restore the earlier Russian commitment not to complete the deal," the
    newspaper said.
    The latest version of the S-300 family is the S-300PMU2 Favorit, which
    has a range of up to 195 kilometers (about 120 miles) and can
    intercept aircraft and ballistic missiles at altitudes from 10 meters
    to 27 kilometers.
    It is considered one of the world's most effective al
    e systems, comparable in performance to the U.S. MIM-104 Patriot