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ATP Celebrating Fifteen Years of Greening Armenia

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  • ATP Celebrating Fifteen Years of Greening Armenia

    65 Main Street
    Watertown, MA 02472 USA
    Tel: (617) 926-TREE
    Email: [email protected]

    June 29, 2009

    ATP Celebrating Fifteen Years of Greening Armenia

    WATERTOWN, MA--In celebration of the 15th anniversary of its founding,
    Armenia Tree Project (ATP) has released a new documentary film about its
    cutting-edge tree planting and environmental education programs. The
    15-minute film, "Every Tree.," was directed by Kennedy Wheatley and
    photographed and edited by Amaya Cervino.

    "ATP began in 1994 with the modest goal of re-greening the public spaces in
    Yerevan where trees had been sacrificed during the 'dark years' after
    Armenia's independence, when people were forced to burn whatever they could
    find to stay warm," recounted ATP founder Carolyn Mugar. "By 2004, we had
    planted 500,000 trees in Yerevan and neighboring communities, and it became
    clear that rejuvenating public areas alone was not going to significantly
    impact the larger issue of deforestation."

    "It was then, only five years ago, that I issued a challenge to our staff to
    undertake a program to plant 15 million trees by 2015--ten trees planted for
    each victim of the Armenian Genocide by its 100th anniversary. By the end of
    2009, we expect that ATP will have planted over 3.5 million trees in
    Armenia. Thank you for your firm belief in our mission," Ms. Mugar stated in
    a special message to ATP supporters.

    "I personally accompanied the filmmakers on a tour of ATP's three nurseries,
    two education centers, and dozens of planting sites, and I think this new
    ATP documentary film captures the emotion and impact of our tree planting,
    poverty reduction, and educational programs," noted ATP Executive Director
    Jeff Masarjian.

    "Although it is our 15th anniversary, this has been a difficult year because
    of the global economic recession," added Mr. Masarjian. "Nevertheless, we
    are making every effort to follow through on our commitment to purchase and
    plant the tree seedlings grown by partner families in Armenia who are
    working with ATP."

    The new ATP documentary, "Every Tree.," is being sent to thousands of
    Armenian households in the United States this month. "We are hoping our
    supporters will help us fulfill our pledge to these communities in Armenia,
    most of whom are feeling the effects of the recession even harder than those
    of us in the diaspora," emphasized Mr. Masarjian.

    "Our donors have shown tremendous loyalty over the past 15 years, and we
    hope everyone will remain committed to supporting our work since we now have
    the experience and capacity to plant over one million trees each year, which
    will have an enormous impact on the land and well-being of Armenia's
    people," he concluded.

    Since 1994, Armenia Tree Project has planted and restored more than
    3,000,000 trees at over 800 sites around the country and created hundreds of
    jobs for impoverished Armenians in tree-regeneration programs. The
    organization's three tiered initiatives are tree planting, community
    development to reduce poverty and promote self-sufficiency, and
    environmental education to protect Armenia's precious natural resources. For
    additional information and to support ATP's mission, visit the web site


    Armenia Tree Project has planted trees at more than 800 public sites around
    the country; these before and after photos show the results of its work at
    St. Anna Church in Yeghegnadzor, which started in 2000 with the planting of
    hundreds of fruit and decorative trees