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Genocide Denial: Armenians Say That's Enough!!

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  • Genocide Denial: Armenians Say That's Enough!!

    By Jean Eckian

    Nouvelle d'Armenie
    8 June 2009

    Since new techniques have allowed for gobal communications, racial
    hatred and genocide denial have spread like wildfire, growing
    exponentially. That hits in the first place the Jewish community, and
    as of 2005 Turkish and Azerbaïdjani ultranationalists keep spreading
    an insulting and unbearable denial towards Armenians. They rage
    blithely on the web. No authority is putting them to silence, although
    over seventy countries, legislative assemblies, and international
    authorities have acknowledged the genocide of the Armenians in 1915
    in their homeland, in addition to the 1894 and 1909 massacres. Visit
    Nicole Rouffiac's website It is about time to end these devastating
    attempts of denialists. For that purpose they should be denounced to
    get them out of the Web, specially from Facebook and You Tube. The
    countries which recognized the Armenian genocide must take steps to
    pass a law which will expose any Armenian Genocide denial to penalties.

    Ten millions of Armenians spread over the world have contributed to
    the development of the host countries at all levels, but they have been
    misled too many times since the year 1915. They do not expect any false
    commiseration. They wish, they now demand justice on grounds of human
    rights and morality, not on the basis of geostrategic considerations
    which finally led to the 20th century20atrocities.

    Now Armenians say that's enough! Armenians are not as flexible as
    one could think. They will not accept the excesses of 'realpolitik'.

    When all is said and done, while some in Turkey are moving softly
    towards the acknowledgement of the Ottoman crime, we observe an
    ultranationalist toughening aiming to definitively shelve the
    Armenian issue.

    Unfortunatelly, we observe that the constant denial of the turkish
    state does nothing but strenghen the ultranationalist determination
    to the detriment of truth and justice.

    We call on our lawyers to bring action against denialist groups
    acting in Facebook. We ask every Armenian to bring these groups to
    the attention of Facebook and You Tube for putting these insults to
    our Martyrs to an end. As their descendants, we are also affected
    and will remain affected until 'modern' Turkey will acknowledge the
    crime which Â"Young TurksÂ" have perpetrated.

    See Jean Eckian's work to "popularize" the Genocide of Armenians


    a) General rules on Genocide

    Under the terms of the prevention and repression of the crime of
    genocide, adopted by the Assembly General of the United Nations,
    the 9th of December 1948, genocide is a Â" crime under international
    law Â", Â" whether committed in times of peace or times of war Â"
    (article 1).[...] This Convention was=2 0formally entered in force
    on January 12, 1951, and was ratified by Turkey on July 31, 1950.

    b) Accusation of genocide of the Armenian people

    The Armenians constitute beyond doubt a national group as seen by the
    rule prohibiting genocide. The conclusion is all the more evident that
    they constitute a people protected by the right of self-determination,
    which necessarily implies that they are also a group the destruction
    of which is prohibited by the rule relative to genocide. [...]

    The government of Young Turks is guilty of this genocide, in regards
    to the acts perpetrated between 1915 and 1917 ;

    The Armenian genocide is also Â" International Crime Â", of which the
    Turkish State must assume responsibility, without being able to use
    the pretext of discontinuity of this State in order to excuse itself
    there from ;

    This responsibility requires the primary obligation to recognize
    officially the reality of this genocide and the consequential prejudice
    suffered by the Armenian people. The Organization of the United Nations
    and each of its members have the right to claim this recognition and
    to assist the Armenian people to this end.

    Paris (France), april 13-16, 1984.

    Members of the Court

    - Francois RIGAUX (Belgium), President - Madjid BENCHIKH (Algeria) -
    Georges CASALIS (France) - Harald EDELSTAM (Switzerland) - Richard FALK
    (USA) - Ken FRY (Australia) - Andrea GIARDINA (Italy) - Sean MACBR IDE
    (Irland) - Leo MATARASSO (France) - Adolfo PEREZ ESQUIVEL (Argentina)
    - James PETRAS (USA) - Ajit ROY (India) - George WALD (USA)

    Lists of Nations, Parliaments and Municipalities having recognized
    and condemned the genocide committed on the Armenian people in 1915 by
    the government Â"Young TurksÂ", visit Committee of Union and Progress


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    button situated below and to the left of the group allows you to
    denounce this group. Facebook controls the alerts and deletes groups
    considered unsuitable. To execute this function you must be registered
    on Facebook and connect you (top of page) with your user identification
    to see appearing Â"Indicate an abuseÂ"

    [email protected]

    Mr. Jean Eckian has provided links to denialist sites and has
    meticulously searched the Facebook providing links to each site. Please
    visit Nouvelle d'Arménie